
About 8 item dissertation in line with oxide charge query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.085 seconds)

  1. Field effect transistor and InGaAs field effect transistor reliability of tunneling,JiaoGuangFan/Fudan University,0/228
  2. Study of the GIDL Current and Related Reliability Issues for Ultra-deep Submicron CMOS Devices,ChenHaiFeng/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/226
  3. The Nano CMOS devices new methods of measurement and for reliability studies,LiuWenJun/Fudan University,0/207
  4. NBTI effect and its physical model of nano- CMOS devices,LuoYong/Fudan University,0/180
  5. Charge pump measurement methods and the reliability of simulated tunneling transistor,HuangXinYun/Fudan University,0/73
  6. The Research of Hot-Carrier Effect and NBTI Effect on Ultra Thin Gate Oxide PMOS Device,ZhangTieNan/Tianjin University,0/45
  7. Study on the Mechanism of Hot Carrier Induced I/O PMOSFET Degradation,FengZhiGang/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/16
  8. Structure and Physical Properties of Perovskite Manganites Pr0.65Ca0.35MnO3、Pr1-xLixMnO3(x=0.15、0.18) and Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3,JiaoFeng/Tianjin University,0/53

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