
About 3946 item dissertation in line with G1,The world culture and culture query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.043 seconds)

  1. The Analysis of the Characteristic,Type and Evolution of Cultural Products,KongZuoHui/Northeastern University,0/11
  2. World Heritage and the UNESCO Concept of Cultural Diversity,XuZhiLan/Tsinghua University,0/64
  3. Cultivation and Propagation of Low Carbon Culture from the Perspective of Low Carbon Economy,WangZhuoLin/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/16
  4. Rational Thinking on the Phenomenon of Body Heat under the Context of Consumer Cultures,LiZuo/Tianjin Normal University,0/2
  5. The analysis of the development of the Japanese game industry and Its Enlightenment to China,LiZuo/Chongqing Technology and Business University,0/164
  6. The Research of Policy of Korea Game Industry,ZhangZuo/Shanghai University,0/3
  7. The Fruit Powder Culture:Humanities and Shake Hands,ZhangMin/Sichuan Normal University,0/16
  8. G20Countries' Cultural and Creative Industries Competitiveness Index System Design and Evaluation,XuYaNan/Hunan University,0/60
  9. A Study of Looking at the Japanese Crisis Consciousness from the Sense of Keeping Distance,WeiYing/Hunan University,0/74
  10. An Analysis on the Dual-character Effect of Information Technology to Cultural Innovation,JingLei/Northeastern University,0/3
  11. Analysis on the Cultural Motivators of American Philanthropic Foundations,ZhangZuo/Tianjin Normal University,0/2
  12. Analysis of the German aristocracy culture values,YuanShuai/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/16
  13. Fusion and Symbiosis,LiDongCai/Huaqiao University,0/6
  14. Towards an Understanding of American Business Culture,GuoHong/Shanghai International Studies University,0/94
  15. America's Image Shaping in China by Advertising Based on the Identity Theory,JiangMengNa/Dongbei University of Finance,0/1
  16. A Contrastive Study of Development and Competitiveness of Cultural Trading between China and South Korea,ZhaoXueFeng/Dongbei University of Finance,0/14
  17. Study on the situation in the Middle East Arab identity,Wang/Shanghai International Studies University,0/74
  18. Harlem Renaissance in the1920s: Search for Black American Identiy,QiLiMin/Shanghai International Studies University,0/34
  19. Changes of - Japanese values from Japanese name change to the token and the semantic Center,ZhuangYan/Yanshan University,0/4
  20. Study on Cluster Innovation of Culture and Creative Industries,ShangJie/Xiamen University,0/5
  21. The Study on Government Behavior in the Preservation and Inheritance of Intangible Cultural Heritage in China,WangZuo/Central China Normal University,0/23
  22. Study on the relationship between national policies and ethnic minorities in Russian and Cossack as an example,ZhuangXiaoLin/Shanghai International Studies University,0/62
  23. Look at the Korean national culture consciousness from "Fuji soil",ZhangHong/Sichuan University of foreign languages,0/2
  24. American Modern Gods,YangLi/Sichuan University of foreign languages,0/2
  25. Cultural identity - Japanese culture of Taoism to folk religion as the center,WangJingYu/Sichuan University of foreign languages,0/2
  26. Study on the characteristics of Russian manor culture,LiaoZuoZuo/Central China Normal University,0/4
  27. The formation of image - Moscow Russian eyes from the perspective of historical and cultural analysis of the image of the Moscow,ZhangHuan/Sichuan University of foreign languages,0/1
  28. High-heeled Shoes: Cultural Signs in America during the Fifties and Sixties,ShenYang/Sichuan University of foreign languages,0/0
  29. American Culture War-Myth or Reality?,HuZuo/Shanghai International Studies University,0/0
  30. The characteristics of modern network culture after micro Era,GuoMin/Taiyuan University of Science and Technology,0/37
  31. A Study Bout Douglas Kellner's Media Culture Politics,ZuoJianPing/Central China Normal University,0/2
  32. Research on the International Dissemination Strategies of Cultural Brands,ZuoQiLong/Capital Institute of Physical Education,0/20
  33. Ancient Japanese Cherry Blossom view changes to "the twenty-one generation set" as the center,LiJianYing/Hunan Normal University,0/9
  34. In twentieth Century the Arabia culture in the China,ChenYueYang/Shanghai International Studies University,0/3
  35. On Jameson's Postmodern Cultural Criticism on the effect of Chinese,LiuYing/Shandong Normal University,0/5
  36. cultural diversity" -1993-2005 years in international negotiations" target="_blank">From "cultural exception" to the "French cultural policy

    cultural diversity" -1993-2005 years in international negotiations
    ,YaoZuo/Shanghai International Studies University,0/1
  37. Study on the Protecting Experience through Centennial Course of Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection in Japan,LiZhiWei/China Academy of Art,0/45
  38. Totem、Image、Simulacrum-Figure and Symbol Research in Cultural of Manchu,LiZuo/Dalian University of Technology,0/17
  39. Mao Zedong's Theory of Construction of Socialist Culture and Its Practical Implication,YaoAiJun/Northeastern University,0/4
  40. Inspiration of French Alliance on Confucius college in intercultural communication aspects,WuPanPan/Sichuan University of foreign languages,0/1
  41. International Strategy of China's Cultural Industry in the ERA of Cultural Globalization,XiongHuaSheng/Anhui University of Finance,0/85
  42. Cultural and Creative Industry Business Model Innovation,XiongZuo/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/41
  43. Harmonious Cultural Development of the Harmonious Socialist Society's Viewshedresearch,HuXia/Sichuan Normal University,0/0
  44. Research on the Development Models of Cultural and Creative Industry in Heilongjiang Province,WangDan/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/56
  45. Research on the Cluster Development of Bengbu Cultural Industry,ZhangXiangRong/Anhui University of Finance,0/45
  46. A Study on Cultural Costs of Social Development in Contemporary China,ShiWenLei/Guangxi University,0/14
  47. The Realistic Conditions and Specific Approaches for Development of Creative Industry Clusters in Jinjiang District, Chengdu City,YuQiMin/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/32
  48. A Study on the Cultural and Creative Industry from City Perspective,DuanZuo/Nankai University,0/165
  49. Cultural Traces of a Diplomat: the Research on W.W.Yen and the Culture Careers from the Late Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China,SunZengDe/Nankai University,0/31
  50. Contemporary Reconstruction and Practical Reason of Buluotuo Culture in Zhuang Nationality,LiuZuo/Central South University for Nationalities,0/81

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