About 953 item dissertation in line with TD32,Rock pressure and rock movement query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.04 seconds)
- Study on Pressure Relief Mechanism and Space Adaptability for Stagger Arrangement Gob-side Entry,ZhangJunWen/Beijing,0/8
- Theory and Application Research of Mine Eathquake Monitoring,JiaBaoXin/Liaoning Technical University,0/16
- Study on the Stability Analysis and Treatment Schemes of Discontinuous and Complicated Group Goaf,WenXing/Central South University,0/28
- The Steady Analyse of upper Plate Slope Located in Hejia' Surface Mineable Part,GengXiaoJia/Liaoning University of Science and Technology,0/16
- Development and Application of Monitoring and Early Warning System of Open Pit Mine Slope Based on ArcEngine,GuoZhaoPeng/Liaoning University of Science and Technology,0/36
- The Research and Application of Roof Shear Beam Theory,YuWenZuo/Liaoning Technical University,0/6
- Complex Function Solution for the Surrounding Rock Stress Field of Tnel in Coal Mine,JiangXueZuo/Liaoning Technical University,0/10
- The Application of Rockburst Prediction Based on SDPSO-WNN Algorithm,WangFuJiao/Liaoning Technical University,0/17
- The Research and Application of Mining Damage Technical and Economic Evaluation System,TianZuo/Liaoning Technical University,0/6
- Research of Coal Mine Roof Strain Detection Based on the Fiber Bragg Grating Sensor,LengWeiQiang/Liaoning Technical University,0/6
- Study on Water Level Change in Confined Aquifer and Deformation and Failure Law of Overlying Strata Caused by Coal Mining,YangZuo/Liaoning Technical University,0/18
- Stability Analysis of Slope with Goaf and Its Treatments,YeWu/Central South University,0/19
- Stope roof plate theory of risk management for accident analysis based on,ZhangNianNian/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/59
- Study on Laws of Overburden and Surface Movement when Mining under Thick Alluvium,GuWei/China University of Mining and Technology,0/91
- Reliability-based Stability Research of Mine-out Area,WangXueYan/Central South University,0/47
- Numerical Simulation of Large the Hongshan Two River Pillar of Iron Ore Stope Surrounding Rock Stability Analysis,PengJunLong/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/25
- Research of Mining Dynamic Loading Effect and its Induced Rock Burst in Coal Mine,HeJiang/China University of Mining and Technology,0/45
- Stduy of Mechanism and Control of Coal Bumps in JiXI Mine Area,LiYong/Beijing,0/174
- Research on Effect Function of Excavating Secondary Stresses and Reinforce Treating Ways in Mine Deep Tunnel,LeiChengXiang/Beijing,0/153
- Research on Movement and Deformation of Overlying Strata and Strata Behaviors with Backiflling Mining Method,FengRuiMin/Beijing,0/365
- Study on Ground Pressure Activity Law of Filling Mining in Gaofeng Deep Mine and Its Controlling Methods,MaShengHui/Wuhan University of Science and Technology,0/44
- Study on the Influence of Open Pit Backfilling on Underground Rock Mass Stress and Strain,XiaShiYou/Wuhan Institute of Technology,0/32
- Influence Mechanism Research of Coal Bump Induced by Thrust Fault Based on Huge Thick and Hard Roof,LvJinGuo/Beijing,0/36
- Failure Analysis of Masonry Structure Above Mine Goafs,ZhangLiWei/Jinan University,0/11
- Study on Stability for Surrounding Rock of Ore-drawing Roadway and Its Control Techniques under the Action of Blasting Seism,ZhouJianXiong/Central South University,0/32
- Study of Gentle Dip Rock Formation Roof Stability,WuJunPing/Central South University,0/24
- The Impact of Mining Wulongquan Ore+43m Below to the Subgrade Stability of Beijing-guangzhou Railway and Its Control Countermeasures,ZhongJian/Wuhan Institute of Technology,0/25
- Study on Chen Gui Liu Jiafan iron ore comprehensive ground pressure monitoring scheme,ChenLong/Wuhan Institute of Technology,0/23
- Study of Residual Coal Repeated Mining Face Pressure Feature in Thick Coal Seam Small Kiln Destruction,ZhangWenYang/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/86
- Research on Surrounding Rock Control Technologies of Narrow Pillar of Mining Height Face,CuiKai/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/103
- Research on Surface Deformation Monitoring and Effect Evaluation Method in Goaffilling Mining,HuHuaBin/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/82
- Technology of the Retaining Roadway Along Goaf in Middle Thick Coal Seam,ShenJiaXiao/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/116
- Research on Regularit of Strata Behavior in the Coal Face1511in the North Shiyu Coal Mine,ChenHao/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/45
- Simulation Study on Characteristics of Deformation and Failure of Deep Roadway and Its Control Technology,CuiHongZhang/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/165
- Study on Regularite of the Upward Ming to Surface Subsidence of Residual Coal of Large Depth Buried Coal Seams,ZhuShaoJie/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/41
- Research on the Structure and Support Load Analysis of Full-mechanized Mining Face in Close Distance Coal Seam under Goaf,WangChengShuai/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/109
- Study on Damage Evaluation of Surface Buildings Caused by Mining Subsidence,YaoWenHua/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/39
- The Experiment and Research of Prevention and Control of Floor Heave of Soft Rock Roadways,ZhaoLei/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/143
- Study on the Reasonable Location and Stability of Working Face Roadways When Extracted Simultanously of Close Distance Coal Seams,KangGuanXian/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/57
- Large Mining Height of Overlying Strata Movement Regularities and Shallow Buried Depth of Coal Seam Hydraulic Support Adaptability Research,XuHaiTao/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/83
- Study on Deformation and Failure Regularity and Anchorage Technology in Large Section Coal Roadway,SongChaoBu/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/134
- Study on Surrounding Rock Control Technology of Working Face on Old Residual Coal Mining,FanXiuZhi/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/88
- The Application of Numerical Simulation in Surface Subsidence Prediction,LiGuoDong/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/78
- The Movement and Deformation Research about Overburden Surface Filled by Coal Gangue,MaWenZuo/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/101
- Study on Stability of Coal Pillar Front of the Residual Coal Longwall Working Face,LiPeng/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/50
- Study on Mechanism and Control Technology of Rib Palling in Fully Mechanized Caving Face with Great Mining Height,ZhaoYinHu/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/151
- Analysis and Control Research on Ingeous Rock Roof's Pressure Law in Mine Engineering,WangZuo/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/67
- Analysis on stability of surrounding rock of well and temporary supporting effect of Dahongshan Copper Mine main chute,ChiBing/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/31
- Mechanism and Prevention of Support Crushing Disaster While Mining Out of the Upper Coal Pillar in Close Distance Shallow Seams,JuJinFeng/China University of Mining and Technology,0/44
- Research on Theory and Control Technology of Air Impact Disasters Caused by Goaf Roof Falling,XingPingWei/Taiyuan University of Technology,0/168
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