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Nabokov 's cultural identity anxiety
Author: ChenChunMei
Tutor: ZhangHe
School: Heilongjiang University
Course: Comparative Literature and World Literature
Keywords: Nabokov cultural identity anxiety Russia
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
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In the age of globalization, as a hot topic the diasporic literature already has attracted many scholars’ attention, and associated cultural identity anxiety problems also gradually become scholars study focus. As the 20th century Russian exile intellectual representative, Vladimir Nabokov has already been famous in the world literary. He exiled in many countries all his life and went through thick and thin, the pain of losing his motherland aroused his strong cultural identity anxiety. But because of his years in exile between heterogeneous culture, he formed unique creative methods and broad culture mind, his cultural identity anxiety presented particularity, that is, deep hidden and internality.This article will put Nabokov in Russian exile culture, aiming to show he Shared with other diasporic writers homesickness complex; then compare him with Bunin, revealing the particularity of Nabokov’s cultural identity anxiety; finally, through analysis of the text MARY and PNIN, further show Nabokov’s inheritance and transcend in the Russian culture tradition. Thus this article summarizes the essential relationship of Nabokov’s literary and artistic innovation and the Russian culture tradition, and concluded that his cultural identity anxiety lies in the construction of individual unique cultural identity and the search of the lost paradise.
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