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On Ohba’s Conjecture of One Class of Complete Multipartite Graphs
Author: YuYan
Tutor: XuYong
School: Hebei University of Technology
Course: Applied Mathematics
Keywords: Boolean networks stability Boolean control networks semi-tensor product Lyapunov stability
CLC: O157.5
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
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The Problem of stability of complex Boolean networks is discussed. The background and the work is briefly introduced in this paper. Then the Boolean networks model and the logic of the matrix is given. First, the complex Boolean networks of algebra logic dynamic system was trans-formed into discrete time dynamic system, then a sufficient condition of Boolean networks under the meaning of Lyapunov stability is given. And the stability of Boolean control networks is investigated. Finally the main research results is summarized.
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CLC: > Mathematical sciences and chemical > Mathematics > Algebra,number theory, portfolio theory > Combinatorics ( combinatorics ) > Graph Theory
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