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Research on the Responsibility of Local Government in Achieving Urban and Rural Compulsory Education Fairness

Author: ZhangLinLin
Tutor: WangLiFeng
School: Jilin University
Course: Political Theory
Keywords: urban and rural compulsory education equity in education localgovernment responsibility
CLC: G522.3
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2013
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In recent years, the Chinese government increased the attention on the ruralcompulsory education. In order to narrow the gap between urban and ruralcompulsory education, the Chinese government carried out many policies whichare beneficial to educational equality, that played an important role. But throughthe analysis found that the effect is not significant. The government hasunshirkable responsibility, especially the local government plays an important rolein urban and rural compulsory education fair. The local government whether is inplace of its responsibility, is directly related to the development of urban and ruralcompulsory education level. In this paper, based on China’s national conditions,analysis of government responsibility flaw performance and reason, from thegovernment’s legislative responsibility, financial responsibility, organizationalresponsibility and supervision responsibility, and from political scienceperspective. And from the comparative politics, this paper analysis foreigncompulsory education, the government how to play a role, and list the successfulexperience of parts of China, and summarize the solution channel.This article mainly divides into four parts. The first part, this paperdiscusses concepts of the urban and rural compulsory education and thegovernment responsibility, highlighting the status of government responsibility inthe compulsory education. The second part, from the perspective of both theory and reality, discusses the reason why the government play a role in the urban andrural compulsory education. The third part, discusses the local government in thefour aspects of lack of responsibility from the Angle of legislation, finance,organization and supervision, and to analyze the causes of these defects.Thefourth part, from the Comparative politics, Select the successful experiences fromthe domestic and foreign local governments take responsibility for urban and ruralcompulsory education. Firstly, the local governments establish the fair idea.Secondly, play the local government responsibility from the perspectives oflegislation, finance, supervision, give, to realize urban and rural compulsoryeducation fair.

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CLC: > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > China's education > Education system > Compulsory education
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