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Bio-pharmaceutical Industry Innovation Alliance Knowledge Collaborative Research

Author: MiaoJin
Tutor: ShiXianZuo
School: Liaoning University of Technology
Course: Business management
Keywords: bio-pharmaceutical innovation alliance knowledge collaboration influence factors collaborative process
CLC: F273.1
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2014
Downloads: 31
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Collaborative innovation problem is becoming a modern technology innovation theorydeepening development of an academic frontier problem. In our country, collaborativeinnovation, especially in the biological pharmaceutical industry, the innovation can beconverted to overall improve the efficiency of the biological pharmaceutical industrycompetitiveness level is difficult to satisfactory. To face the challenging problems, adoptingthe combination of theory and empirical research methods, combined with the feature ofbiological pharmaceutical industry innovation, define the connotation of the biologicalpharmaceutical industry innovation alliance knowledge synergy, analysis of the collaborativeprocess of biological pharmaceutical industry innovation alliance, and then the influencefactors of the process of knowledge synergy for empirical analysis.By comparing the related knowledge collaborative concepts, summarized and refined,and studied from three aspects as subject, object, environmental biological pharmaceuticalindustry innovation alliance the constituent elements of knowledge together, and build thebiological pharmaceutical industry alliance knowledge innovation synergy effect of elementsof the model. Established by the mechanism of knowledge transformation, the coordinationmechanism and security mechanism of three-dimensional collaborative implementationmechanisms and formed from preparation, operation, achieving the three stages of the processmodel of knowledge synergy.From the subject, object and environment of knowledge synergy three dimensions andthere’re four factors affect the bio-pharmaceutical industry innovation alliance knowledgecollaboration, respectively, knowledge collaboration will, knowledge interoperability,knowledge of embedded vision, biological pharmaceutical industry innovation environmentbackground within the alliance. Among them: knowledge collaboration will, coordinationability and the biological pharmaceutical industry innovation alliance knowledge synergy arepositive correlation; knowledge of embedded vision and biological pharmaceutical industryinnovation alliance are negatively correlation; knowledge distance and geographic distanceand biological pharmaceutical industry are negatively related knowledge collaborativeinnovation alliance, technical support and biopharmaceutical industry innovation allianceknowledge positively correlated relationship together.

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CLC: > Economic > Economic planning and management > Enterprise economy > Production management > Enterprise Technology Management
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