The private enterprises is an important component in the national economy, which playsan important role in the development of economy. The development of private enterprises isaccomplished by the employee of the company developing of the company’s resources, so far,calling "New generation employee""80generations""90generations" are going out of theschool and stepping into the job market, becoming the new born strength of modern societyand company construction, which also the main force in the development of privateenterprises. The new generation employees’ individuality characteristic and survivalenvironment determined their difference in pursuing the job. In order to accomplish thepromotion of private enterprises new generation employee career and the organic bond of theprivate enterprises continuous and stable development, this article based on the relevant careerdeveloping and studying from home and abroad, start from the Chinese culture backgroundand new generation employee characteristic, standing at the individual perspective studyingthe career development of the private enterprises new generation employee.This article through carding the career developing and studying literature from home andabroad, define the new generation employee and career developing concept; Making themultifarious private enterprises new generation employee career affect factors into individualfactor, family factor, enterprise factor and social factor, establish the private enterprise newgeneration employee career developing factors model and index system; Through privateenterprise new generation employee career affect factors questionnaire survey, variance andprincipal component analysis getting the conclusion, that is private enterprises new generationemployee choosing their career mainly considering age, marriage, entry age, the opportunityof study and further development, competitive pressure, preferential policy of housing,making advise according to his own thought pair bond, choosing job pay more attention to bigcity etc9factors, When in the career design and develop mainly consider age, marriage, theenterprise provide employee career development guidance information, working ability andperformance is connect with the year-end bonus, and family environment, job-relatedhappiness, if the expection is not accomplished will choosing job-hopping etc4factors;According to the3stages of the new generation employee career development presenting theperpective’s private enterprise new generation employee career developing route from theindividual perpective respectively.