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The Design and Implement of Highway Capture with Digital Watermarking Application

Author: ZhuZhenFeng
Tutor: LuYiMin
School: Huazhong University of Science and Technology
Course: Communication and Information System
Keywords: Highway Capture System Digital watermarking Socket GIS GPRS
CLC: TP311.52
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
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Driving on highway with the speed beyond limit is very dangerous. There are many electronic monitoring system aiming at those speeding offenders. Not yet monitoring of the highway and punishment of the offenders have been combined in each other real-timely, which lowered traffic department management efficiency and offenders are not punished and guided timely. This paper introduced one kind highway monitor system with punished the traffic offenders real-time which asked pay for the traffic ticket when they through the highway export.This paper introduced the structure of the real-time monitor system revolved above. And the main job in this research is completed the software of the system which was developed in Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0.The database designed was on SQL Server2005,which involved the ADO technology. The function module of the software involved several parts. The processing of data about offenders is the the main function. GIS module provides some function such as browsing and editing maps, controlling layers, measuring distance and so on. The complete of GIS module was with the help of the MapX, one COM technology. The chatting module just like other chat software for convenient to exchange work between two highway exports.For the safe of the pictures from capture equipment this research involved the digital watermarking technology. This paper put forward one kind algorithm of digital watermarking and programmed in MATLAB to complete the algorithm.This paper introduced the system testing in the final chapter. One method was testing to prove that GPRS is fit to terminal data’s transmission. In addition, this paper tested and verified that the custom communication protocol is effective.

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CLC: > Industrial Technology > Automation technology,computer technology > Computing technology,computer technology > Computer software > Program design,software engineering > Software Engineering > Software Development
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