
About 10218 item dissertation in line with Shanghai Normal University query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.033 seconds)

  1. The Study of the Tax Service Based on the Service Oriented Government,ChenYun/Shanghai Normal University,0/219
  2. Analsis on the Phenomenon of Tourist Harassment,XuNaiQing/Shanghai Normal University,0/127
  3. Study of lifestyle segmentation based on Shanghai urban tourist behavior,WeiQiZuo/Shanghai Normal University,0/150
  4. Research on the Online Information of Responsible Tourism,RanYunZuo/Shanghai Normal University,0/31
  5. Experimental Research on Employees’ Psychological Valence of Compensation Incentive,JiWenZe/Shanghai Normal University,0/50
  6. The new agricultural insurance of liability of county government in carrying out the system analysis based on JS region survey,ZhongXiaoYing/Shanghai Normal University,0/32
  7. Ecological Island Backdrop of Rural Labor Employment Policies,ZouLu/Shanghai Normal University,0/14
  8. Shanghai City catering enterprises in Hongkou District government regulation of food safety issues,WangTing/Shanghai Normal University,0/41
  9. Research on Local Government Supervision and Administration of Operating Stale-owned Assets in China,DingFanZuo/Shanghai Normal University,0/50
  10. Speech recognition and synthesis of low rate speech coding based on,YinYanYan/Shanghai Normal University,0/91
  11. Research on Effectiveness of Higher Vocational Education Curriculum,LiuSongLin/Shanghai Normal University,0/130
  12. Study of the financial management level two college in S University as an example,GaoZuo/Shanghai Normal University,0/131
  13. Researches on Information Security of S University in Shanghai,ZhangMingZhen/Shanghai Normal University,0/55
  14. Study on the non Shanghai Ji female graduate employment problem in Shanghai attended anti employment discrimination on the basis of the theory of perspective,ChenShaoYun/Shanghai Normal University,0/36
  15. Study of master of arts class students academic ecology of a normal university as an example,LiuHuiJie/Shanghai Normal University,0/92
  16. Incestigation and Research on the Full-lime Master of Eduction Intership for Eduction,HanXue/Shanghai Normal University,0/129
  17. Thesis research - Research of educational economy and management major graduate students in Shanghai Normal University as an example,ChenLong/Shanghai Normal University,0/281
  18. Development and implementation of school-based curriculum in middle school music in the four middle school in Shanghai city as an example,DingJia/Shanghai Normal University,0/76
  19. Study on Cooperative Learning at Ideological and Political Courses in Higher Vocational Colleges,CaiPei/Shanghai Normal University,0/21
  20. Study on Case Teaching Methodology in Political Courses of Senior High School,LiJie/Shanghai Normal University,0/66
  21. Research on Application of Teaching High School Political Course Review Theme,WangLi/Shanghai Normal University,0/34
  22. The design and application of the high school geography "three case" Teaching,ZhouLiNa/Shanghai Normal University,0/149
  23. Study of school-based curriculum development and implementation in schools around weather "Xidu" as an example,LiuLiZhi/Shanghai Normal University,0/194
  24. Study on the Teaching Design of Mathematics Review Class in Junior High School,NiZuo/Shanghai Normal University,0/135
  25. Research on the teaching of Chinese in junior middle school to prepare for lessons before class,JiangLin/Shanghai Normal University,0/61
  26. Construction of Junior Middle School Composition Teaching Seuence,CuiLin/Shanghai Normal University,0/75
  27. Research status of on-the-job training of Shanghai city Fengxian District high school politics teachers,AnBaiZhi/Shanghai Normal University,0/15
  28. A Comparative Study of UK and American Primary School Health Education Textbooks,SongJunYu/Shanghai Normal University,0/27
  29. Tracking study of 3-6 years old children's emotion understanding and peer acceptance relationship - a two years,ZhouYuanYuan/Shanghai Normal University,0/124
  30. Sejong school research,JinMeiMei/Shanghai Normal University,0/33
  31. On Teachers' Emotional Forecasting Accuracy and Influencing Factors,ChenNing/Shanghai Normal University,0/113
  32. On teachers as curriculum,DuanHong/Shanghai Normal University,0/150
  33. Study on Problems and Strategies of Recessive Loss of Young Talents of Basic Public Security,LuGuBin/Shanghai Normal University,0/74
  34. Study on the problems and Countermeasures of the loss of Jinshan News Talents,ChenJianJun/Shanghai Normal University,0/25
  35. Demand and Countermeasure of S Prison Information Sharing,XuTaiYang/Shanghai Normal University,0/28
  36. On the criminal legal aid mode selection in China,SongHongWei/Shanghai Normal University,0/33
  37. Construction of China's assumption of risk rule,JiangDongZi/Shanghai Normal University,0/30
  38. On perfecting the administrative mediation system in China,GuoChunYan/Shanghai Normal University,0/74
  39. Study on the effectiveness of legal education,YangXingLong/Shanghai Normal University,0/60
  40. Analysis on the legal thought of Tang,ZuoHaiTao/Shanghai Normal University,0/20
  41. Research on Existing Problems and Countcrmeasures of Shanghai Urban Management Administrative Law Enforcement,FeiJiaLei/Shanghai Normal University,0/47
  42. Research on Urban Management Law Enforcement Capacity Buiiding,MaLie/Shanghai Normal University,0/57
  43. Research on the Edge Community Management Mode of Floating Population in Shanghai City,HuangYeHui/Shanghai Normal University,0/65
  44. Study on the mechanism of the Shanghai women's organizations to participate in social management,SuJing/Shanghai Normal University,0/51
  45. Study on the value orientation of contemporary youth work,DaiBing/Shanghai Normal University,0/764
  46. Study on the Holistic Governance of Social Security Protection in Suburb Rural Areas,XuGang/Shanghai Normal University,0/62
  47. A Study on the Predicaments in and Appropriate Measures for the Functional Orientation of Office for Letters and Visits of N Street, Pudong New Area,DongJing/Shanghai Normal University,0/45
  48. The Research of Cultivating Mechanisms of Chinese Urban Community Social Organizations of Xuhui District in Shanghai,FuXiao/Shanghai Normal University,0/243
  49. Public institutions based on the Balanced Scorecard performance management index system research on Construction in an area of military retired cadres management service center as an example,LiGang/Shanghai Normal University,0/202
  50. Based on the study of mechanism of civil servants performance - oriented public demand in Shanghai City, Jiading District Anting town government as an example,WeiWenHan/Shanghai Normal University,0/34

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