About 620 item dissertation in line with After Cold War query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.070 seconds)
- Campus Culture in Cold War,DaiDanZuo/Xiamen University,0/4
- After the Cold War Studies - American military space policy Prospect Theory Perspective,ZhaoLong/Foreign Service Institute,0/25
- Study on the relationship between American and the Vatican: 1945-1984,WangYaPing/Shaanxi Normal University,0/60
- U.S. Peacekeeping Policy after the Cold War,ChenSuJuan/Xiangtan University,0/12
- Situation of "the New Cold War" Against the Backdrop of America's Pivot to the Asia-Pacific Region——breakthrough of Diplomatic Strategy by the New Central Leadership,XieKaiFei/East China University of Science and Technology,0/89
- Research on Post Cold War Relations between Vietnam and France(1991-2011),WuMingXiong(VO MINH HUNG)/Central China Normal University,0/2
- The Cold War Instrument of America,YePeiWang/Central China Normal University,0/0
- Research on South Korea's Reconciliation Unity Cooperation Policy after the Cold War,ZhouHuiChao/Central China Normal University,0/0
- Research on the Russian Japanese relations after the Cold War,WangChengLong/Shandong Normal University,0/1
- USA factor in the normalization of Sino Japanese relations in the,HanZuo/Foreign Service Institute,0/71
- Dialogue and Confrontation,WuShuang/Central China Normal University,0/0
- The Gulf Regional Cooperation after the Cold War: a Regionalism Perspective,YuZhen/Shanghai International Studies University,0/2
- After the cold war between India and its effect on the Chinese,WangHongKun/Shandong Normal University,0/10
- The Research of the Relationship between Walt Disney and FBI,FanGuangYin/Shanghai University,0/1
- The Cold War and American Food Diplomacy,ZhouZuo/Shanghai University,0/1
- The Influence of the Central Intelligence Agency on U.S. China Policy during the Cold War Period,HanZuo/Shanghai International Studies University,0/0
- From the honeymoon to diplomatic relations so as to study the relationship between -1948-1953 years Su,HaYunQing/Shaanxi Normal University,0/30
- The Dilemma in Balance:the United States Foreign Policy Toward Afghanistan (1947-1961),ZhangShuMing/Nankai University,0/60
- Study on U.S. - Soviet Dartmouth meeting: 1960-1991,WangChunYang/Shaanxi Normal University,0/19
- A Report on the Translation of Cold War Orientalism:Asia in the Middlebrow Imagination,1945-1961(Chapter3),LiuYan/Ningxia University,0/0
- A Report on the Translation of Cold War Orientalism:Asia in the Middlebrow Imagination,1945-1961(Chapter4),ChenChen/Ningxia University,0/1
- Historical Change and the Political Implications of China’s Sports Policy-making in the Cold War (1949-1991),MaWenFei/East China Normal University,0/49
- Analysis and Reflection about "the Origins of the Cold War" in Chinese Senior History Textbooks,ChengJing/Northeast Normal University,0/148
- The British Defense Strategy1945-1955,ChenXiangYang/Capital Normal University,0/19
- Study on Arms Expansion of Mongolia in the Period of Dual Cold War,AGuLa/Inner Mongolia University,0/1
- Analysis of United States’ Taiwan Strait Policy after the Cold War,WangMinLi/Nanjing University,0/0
- Motivation and predicament of the German Army overseas operations after the Cold War,ZhangXiao/Foreign Service Institute,0/0
- Japan to study Africa aid after the Cold War,LiuMingYang/Foreign Service Institute,0/2
- The Study on America's Exporting Democracy in the Post-Cold War,ZengZhuo/Central South University,1/56
- Analysis of Post-cold-war Central Asia Policy of Turkey,WuYuanZuo/Xinjiang University,0/63
- After the Cold War NATO and Russia to Contend with Cooperation,SongLinYu/Xinjiang University,0/102
- Analysis of the post Cold War American economic sanctions to America economic sanctions on Iraq as an example,WangXuan/Fudan University,0/150
- The Cause Research of Impeding the Normalization of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and North Korea,WangYao/Jilin University,0/8
- U.S. Foreign Policy: Regime Change after the Cold War,SunNing/Liaoning University,0/10
- America Asia strategy under the framework of the day peaceful relations during the Cold War,ZhaoYiDa/Yunnan University,0/166
- Russian Polish relations after the Cold War,TangJuan/Heilongjiang University,0/27
- American Foreign Policy in East Asia after the Cold War,WangYongGang/Hubei University,0/62
- The U.S.Strategy in East Asia after the Cold War and China’s Response,ZhangZuoZe/Nanchang University,0/29
- Cultural Diplomacy of the Clinton Administration Towards China,KangXiaoQing/Foreign Service Institute,0/36
- China Factor in the Vietnam-US Relations after the Cold War,CaoZuo/East China Normal University,0/37
- South Korea after the cold war policy in India,HuJun/Qingdao University,0/39
- Study on the relations between Poland and Russia since the end of the Cold War,YangNa/The Central Party School,0/39
- After the cold war, Japanese foreign policy-making process research,YingJingXiuCheng/Fudan University,1/432
- The Truman administration's Burma Policy Research (1949-1952),GuoPengDi/Shaanxi Normal University,0/106
- After the cold war American foreign intervention study,ZhangYanHong/Qingdao University,0/131
- Studies on the Cultural Cold War of the U.S.towards Europe during Eisenhower Administration,WangYuZuo/Central China Normal University,0/133
- The Study of Post-Cold War’s US Aid to Africa: Contents, Reasons and Evaluation,JiangXinRu/Hebei Normal,0/135
- The New Change of U.S.-South Korea Alliance and its Influence on the Security Pattern in North-East Asia,QianMeiHua/Yanbian University,0/152
- On America’s Foreign Aid during the Cold War,HeLiang/Nanchang University,0/208
- The Research of British Diplomacy Dilemma from Anglo-America "Special Relationship" in Cold War,HuangQiang/Chongqing Normal University,1/193
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