
About 264 item dissertation in line with European Union query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.091 seconds)

  1. A Study on European Auditing Harmonization,LiHaiZhen/Shandong University of Finance and Economics,0/6
  2. A Research on the Influence of Euro Exchange Rate on Sino-german Trade,LuYao/Southwest University of Political Science,0/36
  3. Macroeconomic Imbalance in the Euro Area,RenJia/Shanghai International Studies University,0/5
  4. The Research on the Issue of Legal Effect of European Court's Preliminary Reference,YangYaQiong/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/14
  5. Study on Regulation of Intellectual Property Protecting by European Customs,KongYao/Xiangtan University,0/47
  6. Evolution of Athletes Free Employment Rights under EU Law,ZhangZuo/Southwest University of Political Science,0/9
  7. Some Legal Issues of Green Government Procurement in the European Union,WangYiFan/Zhejiang Technology and Business University,0/0
  8. Research on Choice of Law Rules of Regulation of European Union on Succession,FeiShanLong/Xiamen University,0/3
  9. A brief comment on EU Russia aid Tassis plan,LiuYaPing/Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,0/8
  10. The European Union on the legal regulation of the abuse of dominant market position,ZhangLei/Guizhou National University,0/8
  11. The Relevance of Military Security of the European Union in East and South-East Asia,Milosan Alexandru-Ioan(MiLong)/Shandong University,0/29
  12. After the cold war of East Asia cooperation of non traditional security,KongMing/Shandong Normal University,0/3
  13. A Study about Promoting International Competitiveness of the Equipment Manufacturing Industry in Hebei Province Based on Eurpean Technology Cooperation,ZhaoCong/Hebei University of Technology,0/8
  14. Study on the Influence of European Union Emission Scheme on the Development of Chinese Aircraft Industry and Countermeasures,NaChunLi/Jilin University,0/45
  15. On the Political Perspective of Accounting and the Evolution of the European Union’s Accounting Strategy,WuDaXin/Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,0/100
  16. A Research on the Comparison of Social Endowment Insurance System between European Union and China,XiaoJuan/Central South University for Nationalities,0/399
  17. The Greek Sovereignty Debt Crisis’ Causes,Impacts and Counter-measures,LinWanHong/Dongbei University of Finance,0/88
  18. A Study on the Comparison between China-EU and China-ASEAN Trade,ShiJia/Nanjing University,0/582
  19. EU Anti-dumping Policy and the Impact on China,WangWeiJie/Shandong University,0/1331
  20. The Impact of EU TBT on Guangdong Toy Export and Countermeasures,LiXiaoLei/Guangdong Provincial Party Committee Party School,0/1008
  21. A Study on Reform and Efficience of the Common Agriculture Policy of the European Union,XuYi/Wuhan University,0/94
  22. A Study on European Model of Social Market Economy,HongZuo/Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,1/765
  23. Empirical Analysis of Determinants of EU FDI in China,MaYaQin/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/172
  24. Study on the sustainability of fiscal deficit and contrast,LiXiaoYao/Foreign Service Institute,0/178
  25. The European Union Energy Efficiency Policy Research and Enlightenment,HuangLe/North China Electric Power University,0/132
  26. Study the Da Vinci plan,KouLinNa/Shanghai Normal University,1/85
  27. A Study on Policies of Vocational Education in European Union,GouShunMing/Southwestern University,0/522
  28. From an Attachment to Soft Governance,RanYuanZuo/Southwestern University,0/3
  29. Study on "the 2010 EU education and training action plan",JiangZuo/Capital Normal University,0/15
  30. A Comparative Study on Quality Guarantee Mechanism of Digital Lifelong Learning in China and European Union,QuWeiYan/Northeast Normal University,0/68
  31. Analysis of "Comenius Programme" to Promote EU Integration Basic Education,DongFeng/Northwest Normal University,0/50
  32. Study on the EU’s Labour Market Flexicurity Model,YuYanFang/Hebei University,1/185
  33. Study on the Free Movement of Goods of European Union,ZuoEnZuo/Southwest University of Political Science,0/25
  34. The Development and Effection of European Union’s Policy on Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emission,YangMeiJuan/Ocean University of China,0/110
  35. Study on ecological compensation legal system of EU,PangXiaoZuo/Northwestern University,1/182
  36. A Study on Anti-subsidies Judicia Review of the European Union,YueZuoZuo/Hunan Normal University,0/70
  37. A Study on the Definition of the Relevant Market in the EU Competition Law in Maritime Transport Services-Suggestions for Reference to China Shipping Legislation,ZhengHuaMin/Dalian Maritime University,1/78
  38. Challenges and Countermeasures to the EU’s Carbon Trading Regulation of Aviation Emission,ZhangZhiHui/Dalian Maritime University,0/98
  39. Study of the problem of EU anti subsidy legislation and its application in the EU's coated paper countervailing case,PanYuPing/Nanjing Normal University,0/108
  40. Comparative Study on the Sunset Review of Anti-Dumping between the European Union and the United States of America,ZhouXingZuo/East China University of Political Science,1/102
  41. Study on the Anti-monopoly Exemption System of EU Towards Consortia,LiuYing/Dalian Maritime University,1/118
  42. The Operation of the EU Carbon Emissions Trading System,Its Enlightenment and Reference,JiaRu/Jilin University,0/674
  43. On the Protection of the Right to Health of International Migrants in the European Union,FengXiaoZuo/Shandong University,0/8
  44. On Interpretation of the European Union Treaties,WangShiYao/Shandong University,0/61
  45. The development and evolution of European Union Rights Protection Legal System,ZhangLiMin/Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,0/71
  46. The EU Court of China related abuse of judicial supervision and correction of anti-dumping,JiangChao/East China University of Political Science,0/0
  47. Analysis on the Regulation of Vertical Restrictive Agreements under Anti-Monopoly Law in China,ZhuoLeiLei/East China University of Political Science,0/255
  48. On Legal Protection of Geographical Indications in EU from the Perspective of Sustainable Development,TianYing/Shanxi University,0/91
  49. Study and Enlightenments on European Union Customs’ Law Enforcement System of Intellectual Property Rights,LongShun/Xiangtan University,0/25
  50. The European Union Labeling System of GM Food and Its Enlightenment to Our Country,WuYan/Ocean University of China,0/13

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