About 67 item dissertation in line with Financial Leverage query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.067 seconds)
- Research on Liquidity Crisis in the Perspective of Financial Leverage,YeHua/Nankai University,0/72
- The Effect of Welfare from Chinese Banking Industry,WangJun/Nanjing University of Finance and Economics,0/0
- The Study on the Determinates of Voluntary Disclosure by Chinese Listed Companiess,WangMaoLe/Anhui University of Finance,0/63
- The Study of the Profit Model of Tencent,LiZhou/Shanghai International Studies University,0/20
- The Financial Risk Research of the Central Enterprises’ M&A in China,RenChong/Central South University for Nationalities,0/67
- Study on Financial Leverage’s Impacting on the Volatility of the Asset Price,PeiZuo/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,0/5
- China’s Listed Companies’ Financial Leverage’s Effect on the Stock Compensation,WangShiYu/Northeast Normal University,0/3
- The Empirical Research on Financial Leverage of Real Estate Listed Companies in China,ZhaoShuaiYin/Chongqing University,0/948
- Real Estate Enterprise Financial Leverage and Financing Structure Optimization Research,WangLeLe/Chongqing University,0/858
- The Impact of Financial Leverage on Enterprise Inefficiency Investment from the Perspective of Ownership Structure,XuShanShan/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/302
- An Empirical Research on the Relationship between Capital Structure and Quality of Information Disclosure in Listed Companies of China,WangZuoRu/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/83
- An empirical study of private listing Corporation financial leverage effect in Shanghai stock market based on empirical data of listing Corporation,XuRan/Capital University of Economics,0/304
- Research on Leverage Effect of Commercial Bank,XuXiangPan/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/253
- Research on Excess Cash Holdings and Influence Factors of Listed Companies in China,XuDan/Lanzhou Commercial College,0/72
- Research on the Financial Risks Considering Ownership Structure of Listed Companies,LiYinPing/Shandong University,0/325
- The Impact of Corporate Governance Structure on the Financial Risk,ZhouCuiCui/North China Electric Power University,0/195
- Resource-Based Enterprises Assessment of Sustainable Growth and Its Suggestion,WangZuoZuo/Inner Mongolia University,0/244
- Integrating Multiple Cost Drivers of Activity-based Costing into Financial Leverage,ZuoZiQiang/Shanxi University,0/191
- Relations between Capital Structure and Corporate Performance from Corporate Governance Perspectives,ZhangLiDa/Shandong University,6/1748
- Study on Capital Structure, Manager Expropriation and Performance of Listed Companies,JinChao/Jilin University,2/1199
- International financial risks associated with the international financial crisis,NiKeQin/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,7/2247
- A Study on Diversification and Corporate Performance,LiXueFeng/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,1/817
- The Empirical Research on the Effect of Capital Structure on Voluntary Information Disclosure of Listed Companies in China,LiuXiaoWang/Southwestern University,4/449
- Empirical Research on the Financial Leverage and Financing Behavior of Listed Company,HuaYong/Jiangsu University,1/1008
- Real estate investment trusts (REITs),DingKan/Shanghai Normal University,1/406
- The Research on the Financing Questions of the Transnational Merger and Acquisition of Chinese Enterprises,LiuHui/Jinan University,4/636
- The Research on Financial Strategy of Enterprise Using Lever Assorting,XieYueDan/Lanzhou University of Technology,3/955
- Industrial Characteristics Output Market Competition and Public Firms’ Capital Structure Choice,WuZuo/Shihezi University,2/279
- Financing behavior of listed companies and Capital Structure,WangNing/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,1/492
- The listed company's financial leverage and financial risk,GaoYan/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,1/1534
- Research on Enterprise Sustainable Financial Development,SunYuBo/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,2/747
- Mode of external supervision of financial holding companies in China,TangPeng/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,2/250
- Positive Research on Correlation between Debt Ratio and EPS of the Listed Companies of Our Country,WangGuiZuo/Dalian University of Technology,2/730
- To Study the Hedge Fund’s Influence on Chinese Financial Market and How to Cope with It,SuDuoYong/East China Normal University,3/534
- The Empirical Research on Financial Lever of the Listed Company,SunLiPing/Ocean University of China,4/829
- Research on the Current Situation and Influence Factors of the Financial Leverage Application of Listed Maritime Companies,JiangHua/Shanghai Maritime University,2/528
- A study on the theory of capital structure and its practice,ZhaoWei/Jiangxi University of Finance,2/409
- LBO research,LiuLian/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/576
- Research on the Relationship of the Agent Cost and Financial Leverage in State-Owned Listed Company,YuanChen/Capital University of Economics,1/300
- Research on the Orientation and Optimization to Capital Structure of Chinese Enterprise,DuanYuHua/Southwest Jiaotong University,1/655
- Study on the Financing Behavior of Risk-averse Managers Based on Behavioral Finance Theory,LiHongMei/Hebei University of Engineering,2/541
- A Research on the Influencing Factors of Voluntary Information Disclosure in Chinese Listed Companies,SunDongQing/Shandong University,4/761
- Relationship between Financial Leverage and Performance Based on Competitive Strategy,ZhangHuan/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,2/451
- Empirical Research about Financial Lever of Listed Company,KongWeiChao/Chinese Geology University (Beijing),1/911
- Empirical Research on the Incentive of Executive Stock Option of Listed Company Based on Prospect Theory,ChenLiang/Hunan University,3/434
- An Empirical Study on Leverage, Debt Maturity and Firm Investment,ZuoRongPing/Chongqing University,0/291
- The Empirical Research of the Relationship between Working Capital Management and Long-term Debt,RuanYing/Ocean University of China,0/334
- Changes in interest rates on the financial markets, the level of corporate financial leverage impact study,SiZhongZhuo/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,0/451
- XX sustainable growth under the conditions of the real estate company 's financial leverage applied research,LiWei/Lanzhou University,0/503
- Listed companies to measure their financial risk analysis of influencing factors,ShaoHua/Shanxi University of Finance,0/598
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