
About 11048 item dissertation in line with Selection query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.016 seconds)

  1. Study of Group Decision Making Theory and Methods Based on Fuzzy Number Preference Relations with Consistency,LiuFang/South China University of Technology,0/95
  2. Our Country Enterprise Internal Audit Outsourcing Decision-making Research,GouLiJuan/Qingdao Technological University,0/9
  3. The Study of the Unemployment Insurance Fraud under Information Asymmetry,HuangTao/Hunan University,0/34
  4. The Development and Mode Selection of Hunan Agricultural Insurance,WangRuoZuo/Central South University of Forestry Science and Technology,0/49
  5. Comparison and Selection of Crop Insurance Premium Actuarial Models,WuYinHao/Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics,0/3
  6. The Influence of Environment Regulation on the Location Choice of FDI,YinJingJing/Nanjing University of Finance and Economics,0/2
  7. Study on the determinants of China's regional choice of foreign direct investment,ZhangZuo/Capital University of Economics,0/2
  8. The Reseach on the Asset Allocation of China’s Securities Investment Fund and its Performance,RuanMengZuo/Central South University for Nationalities,0/35
  9. Research on Private Equity’s Industry and Investment Imiasc Selection,TangQingYun/Hunan University,0/58
  10. Research on the Target Market Selection of HT Securities Brokerage Business,LiLiang/Shandong University,0/50
  11. Study on Channels for the Promotion of Jilin Branch of Agricultural Bank of China’s Kins "Huinongtong" Project,YuJunFeng/Jilin University,0/16
  12. The Impact of Leverage Ratio Requirement on the Business Operation of Listed Commercial Banks in China,LiZuo/Dongbei University of Finance,0/4
  13. The Research on the Choice of Location of Our Banks Overseas Direct Investment,YuWenHua/Shandong University of Finance and Economics,0/2
  14. A Study on Bancacssurance Marketing of China’s Life Insurance,LiJunFei/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/291
  15. Regional Financial Development Disparity in the Two-dimension Perspective: Aggregation Effect and Selection Constraints,YangCaiLi/Nankai University,0/54
  16. Information Asymmetry’s Impact on Corporate Credit Spreads,LiPei/Huaqiao University,0/4
  17. The Interrelationship between ETFs and Underlying Stocks,LeiZuo/Xiamen University,0/3
  18. Research on Path Selection and System Design of Property Tax Reform in China,WangFengZuo/Anhui University of Finance,0/76
  19. Model Selection and Design of the Value Added Tax of China’s Financial Industry,WangXue/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/40
  20. Research on Detail Inventory Management Optimization,MuNingZuo/Hebei University of Engineering,0/64
  21. The Research of the Development Mode and Influential Factors of the Specialty Commercial Street,ChenHong/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/31
  22. The Research about Supplier Selection of BHG Market Place in Baoding,CuiShuNa/Hebei University of Science and Technology,0/51
  23. A Study on the Delivery Model Portfolio Selection for General Merchandise B2C,WangZuo/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/104
  24. The hybrid channel selection and pricing of hitchhiking behavior and equity factors based on,DingChunJie/Central South University,0/21
  25. Considering the characteristics of different types of products manufacturers channel selection strategy research,ShenZhen/Central South University,0/15
  26. Drop-shipping in Dual-channel Supply Chain Based on Customer Channel Preference,YuZuo/Zhejiang University,0/23
  27. Research on Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard Problems in Franchising,ChenChunHua/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/78
  28. Research on the Manufacturer’s Strategies of Selling Channel Selection Based on Customers’ Choice,LiuMeiLing/Jiangxi University of Finance,0/11
  29. Under the new media environment on domestic luxury brand advertising analysis - a French jewelry brand "is still the United States and Paris" as an example,ZhangDongLian/Shanghai International Studies University,0/730
  30. A Study on the Selection of Leading Trades of Modern Service Industry in Xinjiang,ChenHuanHuan/Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics,0/7
  31. Services Export and the Growth of China’s Service Enterprises Productivity,YangChen/Nanjing University of Finance and Economics,0/2
  32. Business Plan for ADB Pet Service,QuYongZhen/Dalian University of Technology,0/83
  33. Predicting Customer Churn in Mobile Telecommunications,Clement Kipkorir Kirui/Central South University,0/8
  34. A Study on the Motivation and Modes for China’s Enterprises Entry into International Market,FuShaoLong/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/53
  35. A Research on the Regional Selection of Taiwanese Enterprises Investment in the Mainland of China,GuoLiTian/Nankai University,0/52
  36. The Selection and Evaluation on Overseas Strategy Alliance of International Freight Forwarding Companies,LiMeng/Chengdu University of Technology,0/78
  37. The Research on Choosing Leading Industry of Dalian Best City,HuWenYu/Dalian University of Technology,0/66
  38. The Study of Research Joint Venture Partners’ selection,ZhangRuiSheng/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,0/6
  39. Favorable Policy, Heterogeneous FDI Entry and Technology Spillovers,YuGuoCai/Nankai University,0/50
  40. The Analysis of Influence Factors Based on the Industries and Regions of MNCs R&D Organizations in China,ZhangZuo/Donghua University,0/138
  41. Auditor Selection and Cost of Trade Credit Financing,LiangZuoShuang/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/64
  42. The Selection and Case Study of Innovative Corporate Valuation Methods,WangXinTao/Hebei University of Technology,0/39
  43. The Research on the Factors Influencing Equity Incentives Ways Selection Used by Listed Companies in China,ZhouZuo/Hunan University,0/41
  44. The Research of the Total Cost of Purchase about China Mobile Business Equipment,WenXiaoChun/Jiangxi Normal University,0/10
  45. Quanzhou Private Corporate Finance Issues,CaiShuJin/Huaqiao University,0/2
  46. Research on Server PCB’s Procurement Cost Management in Company D,GaoXiaoYan/East China University of Science and Technology,0/16
  47. Research on the Seasoned Equity Offerings Methods Choice and Their Performances of China’s Listed Companies,XiaoZuo/Donghua University,0/115
  48. Convertible Bond Financing Selection in China and the Restrict of Ineffective Investment,XuZuo/Capital University of Economics,0/1
  49. Study on Supplier Management of Twenty-two MCC Overseas Division Based on Supply Chain Purchasing,OuYangHua/Yanshan University,0/25
  50. The Study of Suppliers’ Selection and Evaluation for IT Company under Supplier Chain Circumstances,FengYong/Suzhou University,0/27

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