
About 73 item dissertation in line with regulation reform query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.077 seconds)

  1. The Study on the Regulation of Shadow Banking System,LiuJinZuo/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/410
  2. The Development of the Shadow Banking and the Impact of the Macro Market in China,CaiZiXiang/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/782
  3. The Research on Government Regulation in Chinese Power Industry,LiuQiuJiang/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/61
  4. Empirical Analysis on the Effect of Regulation for Chinese Power Industry,ShenYongLi/Donghua University,0/57
  5. Research on River Basin Water Pollution Regulation in China,ZhangYing/Liaoning University,0/242
  6. Research on the Regulation Reform of Chinese Development Bank,WangFeng/Liaoning University,1/464
  7. The Research of China’s Civil Aviation Government Regulation Reform,WangZuo/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/137
  8. An Empirical Study on the Effect of Regulation on Electric Power Generation Industry in China,LiangShuGuang/Liaoning University,1/373
  9. The Exploration of Sunset Rules in the Application of the Regulation in Our Country,JiangJuan/East China Jiaotong University,0/23
  10. Research on the International Community’s Regulation and Reformation of Credit Rating Agencies,PengXiuKun/Suzhou University,4/932
  11. Research on the Reform of Energy Regulation System in China,LiuDongGang/China University of Political Science,0/397
  12. Empirical Research on the Effect of China’s Pharmaceutical Price Regulation Reform,WangZuo/Dongbei University of Finance,0/135
  13. Study on Latter Entrants’ Effective Competition in Chinese Telecommunication Market,LiRongHua/Central South University,6/742
  14. On the Price of Urban Water Supply,PuShi/Sichuan University,2/808
  15. Studies on Regulation Reform of Chinese Aviation Industry,ChenXianYong/Liaoning University,5/1070
  16. Compatible-Incentive Banking Regulatory Mechanism under Capital Budget,LiHongKun/Zhejiang University,0/804
  17. China's natural monopoly industry Incentive Regulation reform,ZhangDeChang/Liaoning University,6/975
  18. Government regulation of China Civil Aviation Reform,QinZhanXin/Northwestern University,14/1149
  19. On the company 's capital regulation,XuXiaoSong/China University of Political Science,7/879
  20. Research on the Reform of the Exit Regulation of Non-bank Financial Institutions in Our Country,YangYang/Liaoning University,2/310
  21. Study on Regulation Reform of Toll Road Industry in China,FanJianQiang/Chang'an University,12/703
  22. Study on the Regulation Reform Performance of China’s Telecommunications Industry,WuZuo/Jinan University,1/461
  23. Research on the Railway Industry Incentive Regulation Reform in China,SunYuSheng/Liaoning University,0/250
  24. Salt Regulation Perspective Development,YangShuangZuo/Dongbei University of Finance,0/159
  25. China Natural Monopoly of Regulatory Reform,ZhouMing/Shanghai Normal University,3/334
  26. The Study on China’s Electric Power Industry Regulation Reform,PengXiaoQun/China University of Petroleum,0/383
  27. The Research on the Regulation Reform of China’s Mass Media Industry,LiuZuoKun/Hunan University,1/381
  28. Security Regulation Circumvention and Accounting Behavior Alienation,LiuHuiLong/Hunan University,0/127
  29. On the China Telecom Services Regulatory Reform,LiuHongMin/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,3/216
  30. Research on Regulatory Reform of China Natural Monopoly Industry,ChenHongXing/Wuhan University,1/336
  31. The Reform and Reference on Financial Supervision System in America,ShiGuoChen/Jilin University,3/986
  32. Study on the Reform of State-Owned Economy and Government Regulation System of Natural Monopoly Industry--Taking Railway Industry as an Example,ZengJin/Jilin University,1/735
  33. A Research on Our Country’s Regulation Reform of Natural Monopoly Industry,LiuZuo/Harbin Engineering University,1/258
  34. The Government Rules and Regulations Research in the Advancement of Our Country’s City Shui Wu Privately Operated,ZuoXueAi/Lanzhou University,1/317
  35. The Regulation Economics Analyses of Optimizing Chinese Power Mix Structure,LinFeng/Shandong University,6/309
  36. A Research on Regulatory Issues of China’s Electricity Industry,LiZuoZuo/Jinan University,1/320
  37. On the international integration of financial markets under the conditions of China 's financial regulatory reform,WangJingXia/University of Foreign Trade and Economic,0/301
  38. A Study on the Regulation Reform of Public Utility,ZhuQiuZuo/Jiangxi University of Finance,0/265
  39. Study of Our Country’s Enterprise Register Regulation Reform,HuangJinQuan/Xiamen University,1/144
  40. A Study on Regulation Reform of Urban Gas Industry in China,ShenJiangBo/Chongqing University,2/419
  41. Empirical Analysis and Policy Suggestion for Regulation Reform on Chinese Telecom Market,PengZuo/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/332
  42. The Government Regulation of Electric Power Industry and Reform in China,GeXiuFang/Shanxi University,3/309
  43. The Present Government Rules and Regulations Reform in the City Public Utilities,HuangQun/Hunan Normal University,3/178
  44. The Research on Regulation and Reform of Electricity Power Industry in China,ZhuYi/Hefei University of Technology,3/182
  45. Research on the Government Regulation Reform of Chinese Natural Gas Industry,XuYueChao/Chinese Geology University (Beijing),5/424
  46. The Developmental Status Quo and Economic Analysis of Natural Monopoly Industry in Our Country,ZhuShengGang/Capital University of Economics,1/586
  47. Some Thoughts on the Chinese Governmental Regulation of Broadcasting Industry in a Globalization Era,XiaoKaiLin/Zhejiang University,3/311
  48. Awkward of the Role and Adjustment of Regulation,GuanHaiYan/Zhejiang University,1/146
  49. Regulatory Reform of Natural Monopoly Industry,LiuYanZuo/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,3/574
  50. Research on Government Regulation Reform of the Urban Water Supply Industry in the Marketization in China,LiuJuan/Tsinghua University,5/399

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