About 590 item dissertation in line with Q1,General Biology query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.094 seconds)
- Study on the Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation on Dantuozi Islet,DuYang/Liaoning Normal University,0/1
- Studies on the Ecosystem Energy Transfer and Function in the Typical Waters of Yellow and Bohai Sea,LinQun/Ocean University of China,0/12
- A Study on Biodiversity Wisdom of Confucianism,JiangZhongHua/Nanjing Agricultural College,0/18
- Phylogeny and Evolution of Hydrothermal Vent Decapods in West Pacific and Indian Oceans,LuBo/Zhejiang University,0/30
- A Study on the Risk Assessment System of the Introduction of Exotic Plant,HeShan/Nanjing Agricultural College,0/42
- A Study on the Essence of Natural Kinds,GuoChunYan/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/7
- Development of a Neurobehavioral Device for Investigating the Neural Mechanism on Reaching and Grasping,HeJin/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/8
- Comparisons on Performances of Invasive Plants in Their Native and Invaded Zones,ZuoYanYan/Zhejiang University,0/95
- The Yangtze River Estuary and its adjacent sea macrobenthic community ecology research,ShouLu/Nanjing Normal University,0/198
- Optimization of the Spatio-temporal Parameters in a Dynamical Marine Ecosystem Model Based on the Adjoint Assimilation,LiXiaoYan/Ocean University of China,0/149
- Assessment and Survey of Wangfangdian City Biodiversity,LiXue/Liaoning Normal University,0/39
- Mechanism of Population Dynamics for The Paradox of Enrichment,ChouYunPeng/Zhejiang University,0/24
- The Research on Yanfu's Historical Evolution,ShenKuan/Xiangtan University,0/6
- The Establishment and Application of C. Elegans Neuron-specific Expression System,SuChunMing/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/4
- Research on Diversity and Community Structure of Picoplankton and Nanoplankton in the Arctic Ocean during Summer Seasons,LiuYing/Shanghai Ocean University,,0/24
- Study on Digestive Enzyme Andpopulation Ecology of Splraeroma Retrolaevis,QiuYong/Hainan University,0/48
- Research on a Stochastic Population Model with Age-structure,FengXiaoLong/Northwest University of Science and Technology,0/39
- The Plankton Community Structure and Analysis of Water Environment in Shishankou Reservoir,HuangRongJing/Nanjing Agricultural College,0/10
- Optimization of Land-use Structure Based on Biodiversity Conservation,WangJianYing/China University of Geosciences,0/472
- Ecological Effects between Chlorella Vulgaris and Dominant Associated Heterotrophic Bacteria and Response to Quorum Sensing Signal Molecules,BiXiangDong/Ocean University of China,0/335
- The Study of Meiofauna Ecology and Nematode Community Structure in the Intertidal Zone of Qingdao Bay,ZhaoNing/Ocean University of China,0/71
- Effect of Human-disturbance to Marine Meiofauna in the Sandy Intertidal Shores of Qingdao,XuShuHui/Ocean University of China,0/39
- Numerical Study and Application of a Marine Ecosystem Dynamical Model with Adjoint Assimilation Method,WangChunZuo/Ocean University of China,0/100
- Regional Representativeness Analysis of Flux Observation in China,GaoYangZi/Shandong Normal University,0/37
- Research on Plankton Diversity and Health Assessment of Zhalong Wetland,ZhaoFei/Northeast Forestry University,0/70
- The Planktonic Community Feture in a Indoor Ecological Recycling System,GuoZuoZuo/Hainan University,0/42
- Investigation of Plankton and Benthos in Zhangweinan Canal,LiJun/Huazhong Agricultural University,0/47
- A Study on the Impact of Urbanization on Stream Benthic Taxonomic Diversity and Functional Diversity,ZhangZuoBo/Nanjing Agricultural College,0/2
- Researches of Simple Models on Neural Information Processing,ZhangDanKe/South China University of Technology,0/37
- Qualifying the Allometric Relationships between Biomass and Density within Plant Populations of Two Species,LiLei/Northeast Normal University,0/130
- The Studies on the Food Web Structures of Northern China Sea by Stable Isotopes Analysis,LiuBaoZhan/Dalian Maritime University,0/41
- Effects of Niche Partitioning, Dispersal and Spatial Structure of Metacommunity on Community Repeatability,Rarity and Species-Sorting,AiZheXieCuo/Lanzhou University,0/57
- Investigation and analysis of the biological resources of Zhaoyuan West Wetland Park,GuanJian/Heilongjiang University,0/13
- Primary Studies on Physiological Mechanisms of Temperature and Salinity Resistance of an Intertidal Limpet Cellana Toreuma,ZhangZuo/Xiamen University,0/1
- Community and Bacterial Respiration in the South China Sea and Fujian Coastal Waters,WangNa/Xiamen University,0/0
- Ecological Studies on Plankton in Northern Beibu Gulf,ZhengBaiZuo/Xiamen University,0/1
- Study on Species Diversity and Community Characters of Marine Organisms in the Seas Near the Oufei Beach in Wenzhou,WangFengLi/Zhejiang Ocean University,,0/6
- Mathematical Model of Ecological Population,HeMingXia/Lanzhou University,0/35
- The Generalized Bak-Sneppen Model,HanJiHui/Central China Normal University,0/0
- Yantan Reservoir Plankton Community Structure and Quality Evaluation,KongMiaoMiao/Guangxi University,0/9
- Plant Biodiversity Conservation Planning of Yuanan County Based on the Habitat Analysis,LiXiaoZuo/Huazhong Agricultural University,0/2
- The Status and Management Countermeasures of Alien Biological Invasion in China,YangJian/Yangtze University,0/1
- Research on Biodiversity Wisdom of Yi Nationality and Its Agricultural Production Practice,LaiYi/Nanjing Agricultural College,0/48
- The Study for Two Classes of Population Systems with Variable Harvesting Rate and Impulsive Effects,LiuBo/Hubei Institute for Nationalities,0/27
- Researches on Several Evolution Issues in an Age-structured Metapopulation by Simulation,ZhouCuiCui/Lanzhou University,0/40
- The Evolution Law of Life Based on Ontological Information Theory,JiangTianTian/Tianjin University,0/55
- The Legal Mechanisms for Biodiversity Conservation in Western,LiuJunQing/Guangxi Normal University,0/57
- Stability Analysis and Controller Design of the Ecological Model Based on Sum-of-Squares Method,FanCaiFeng/Northeastern University,0/23
- The Biodiersity Assessment and Conservation of Wild Plants and Animals in Jiangsu Provine,WangZhiWei/Nanjing Agricultural College,0/48
- Wetland Species Resources and Comprehensive Appraisal of Ecosystem Health in Changshu,TianMiaoMiao/Nanjing Agricultural College,0/6
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