About 4185 item dissertation in line with Theoretical Physics query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.031 seconds)
- Research of the Fluxgate Sensor Based on the Theory of Stochastic Resonance,YeLan/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/7
- The metastable state of neural network in the feedback,FangYiBo/Shaanxi Normal University,0/8
- Application of Neural Networks Based on Monte-Carlo-Adaptation Rule in Index Futures Price Prediction,WuMinFan/Xiamen University,0/5
- Experimental Studies of Pitch Perception on Auditory Periphery,WangFei/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/37
- Printed Electronics Technology and Its Application on Organic Electronic Devices,ZhangYuan/East China University of Science and Technology,0/43
- The Experimental Study on Target CDH1Regulation by MiR-106a、miR-376a and MiR-485-5p in Hela Cells,ZhangYaRu/Central China Normal University,0/1
- Expermental Studies on Interactions between MicroRNAs and CDH1mRNA in the EMT Process,LiMingJuan/Central China Normal University,0/0
- Theoretical Study of Cardiac Arrhythmia Induced by Ion Channel Mutations,LiXiang/Anhui Normal University,0/13
- Research on Photo-Induced Exciton Formation and Electric Field-Tuned Polymer Amplified Spontaneous Emission in Conjugated Polymer,ZhuangLiQing/Zhejiang Normal University,0/6
- Study on the Effects of Vehicles to Start and Energy Dissipation Based on Cellular Automaton Models of Mixed Traffic,LiuQiang/Guangxi University,0/49
- The Studies of Fe-Al-Zn Ternary Systems by Mechanical Alloying,LiLanYing/Guangxi University,0/26
- The Investigation of Zinc Oxide Nanowires Material with Its Preparation and Properties,WangBing/Hebei University of Technology,0/75
- Synthesis and Properties of Ni-SiC Nano-composite Coatings,YangXiaoXu/Liaoning Normal University,0/26
- Fast electric PANI nano materials and their electrochemical properties were prepared to study,ZuoDong/Shanghai Normal University,0/14
- Ac Transport in the Multi-terminal Graphene Nanodevices,YeEnJia/Zhejiang University,0/25
- First-principles Study on SiC Nanowires/Single-walled Nanotubes Core/Shell Heterostructures,ZouXiaoCui/Jiangxi Normal University,0/17
- Finite Element Analysis of the Contact of Nanowire/Metal,ZhouHao/Henan University,0/13
- The High Temperature Solar Spectrally Selective Absorbing Coating Optimization Design,XuFeiFei/Liaoning Normal University,0/19
- Characteristics and Applications of Line Defect Modes in Two-dimensional Magnonic Crystals,JiangZuo/Inner Mongolia Normal,0/3
- Guided Wave Studyof Reflective MTN Liquid Crystalcell,SiLiBin/Hebei University of Technology,0/1
- The Studyof Liquid Crystalanchoring about Side-aliphatic Chain with One-dimensionalperiodic Model,SongJingJing/Hebei University of Technology,0/4
- Study on Determination of Flexoelectric Coefficient of Nematic Liquid Crystal by Capacitance Method,CuiWenJing/Hebei University of Technology,0/18
- Study of Domain Wallin Biaxialnematic Liquid Crystal,LiJian/Hebei University of Technology,0/6
- Study on the Photonic Crystaleffects of Cholesteric Liquid Crystal,YangLei/Hebei University of Technology,0/54
- Director Simulations of3D Liquid Crystals in Inhomogeneous Fields with Gradient Flexoelectric Effect,DuanWenJie/Hebei University of Technology,0/11
- A Simulation Study on the Electric Response Character of Liquid Crystal Cell,LiWenJuan/Hebei University of Technology,0/13
- Study on the Proper Ferroelastic Phase Transition of Orthogonality System Crystals,MengLingHui/Hebei University of Technology,0/12
- Optimization of Band Gaps in Two-dimensional Magnonic Crystals,WangLi/Inner Mongolia Normal,0/5
- Theoretical study on the structure and electromagnetic properties of organic metal sandwich clusters and nanowires.,ZhangZuo/Yangzhou University,0/5
- A Facile Synthesis Method of SnS Microrods Films,DuYuanBao/Zhejiang Normal University,0/16
- Quantum Size Effect of Triangular Graphene with Zigzag Edges,ZhouXiaoFei/Zhejiang Normal University,0/18
- The Numerical Simulation of Multicomponent Induction Logging Based on ADI-FDTD Algorithm,XiongBin/Jilin University,0/60
- Study on the relationship between the global atmospheric circulation and climate change China,SunYangQing/Yangzhou University,0/38
- Various Optical Emission Components of Gamma-Ray Bursts,LiLiang/Guangxi University,0/8
- A Study of Gamma-Ray Burst Durations,QinYing/Guangxi University,0/24
- Research on Spectral Lag Properties of Fermi Gamma-Ray Bursts,LiangYunFeng/Guangxi University,0/37
- Isotropic Luminosity-Lorentz Factor Correlation of Gamma-Ray Bursts and Its Physical Implication,LvJing/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/21
- Statistical Analysis of the Properties of GRB Host Galaxies,ChenJieMin/Guangxi University,0/12
- The Dark Energy Models and Thermodynamic Description in the Brans-Dicke Theory,ZhangDanDan/Liaoning Normal University,0/1
- A Study of the Generalized Hobbit Model,SunXiaoYu/Liaoning Normal University,0/2
- High Dimension f(R) Modal,LiJian/Liaoning Normal University,0/2
- Effects of Modified Chaplygin Gas as Dark Energy on Structure Formation in Universe by Using Spherical Collapse Theory,SuYangYang/Liaoning Normal University,0/2
- A Study of the Influence of Viscosity for the Cardassian PL Model in a Non-flat Universe,GaoJian/Liaoning Normal University,0/7
- Dark Energy Perturbations and Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect,WangZuoZuo/Dalian University of Technology,0/19
- A New Extended Quintessene Dark Energy Model,WangPeng/Ningbo University,0/0
- Examining Cosmic Acceleration with Cosmological Observations,LinJianMang/Ningbo University,0/0
- Inflationary Dynamics in the Braneworld Scenarios,ZhangKaiYuan/Ningbo University,0/0
- f(R, L_m) Gravity and the Researches of Relevant Problems,LinLiangLiang/Liaoning Normal University,0/14
- Some Issues in the Construction of f(R) Theory,HanWeiLi/Liaoning Normal University,0/13
- The Structure Formation in the Presence of Modified Chaplygin Gas Dark Energy Perturbations,GaoYuan/Liaoning Normal University,0/5
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