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Interaction of social interests and public policy

Author: ZhaoXin
Tutor: ZhangXiaoFeng
School: Heilongjiang University
Course: Administration
Keywords: Interest Social interests Public Policy
CLC: D035
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
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Public policy is the basic means of social governance at all levels of government , the government through public policy can effectively allocate social resources , regulate social interests . The interests of society as the object or goal of public policy , not passively accept the authoritative allocation of public policy . The extent permitted by law , in order to achieve their own interests , the the social stakeholders through a variety of ways to actively participate in public policy is running . Therefore , public policy and community interests in the interaction between a mutual influence . This paper the connotation of interest and the structure of the proposed relationship between the scope of the public policy perspective , the social interests and the interests of society and the public interests . Then focuses on the public policy and social interests is how to influence each other , and pointed out that the process of interaction between the two main problems , use of contradiction analysis pointed out that the main reason for these problems . Finally , I put forward the positive interaction of social interests shared philosophy to create mechanisms to achieve the interests of society and public policy .

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CLC: > Political, legal > Political Theory > Theory of the State > State administration
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