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The Development and the Application Strategy Research of GIS Teaching Project Software Based on the "Spatial Localization"

Author: ZhouChunMei
Tutor: YuanXiaoTing
School: Northeast Normal University
Course: Curriculum and Pedagogy
Keywords: GIS Spatial orientation Teaching strategies Software development
CLC: G633.55
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2011
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Geography "spatial orientation" is an important secondary component of geographical knowledge, an important part of college entrance test in recent years, an important support training of spatial thinking and spatial ability. Therefore, the main contents of this paper is to design and develop teaching software can be used for a school geography "spatial orientation" teaching by means of GIS technology. Compared to the existing educational software, the software has two outstanding advantages: First, the content displayed by the software is designed in accordance with the internal law of teaching arrangements of school geography "spatial orientation", but also summed up from the front-line summary of teaching scene shows the geographical elements which have a more vivid and friendly interface, and it helps students to have an intuitive understanding and an important role in spatial orientationStructurally, the whole paper includes three constituent, the introduction, the main text and the conclusion. The main text is divided into five chapters.The first chapter is the research background of the problem. It elaborates the research background, and clarified the research significance, research content, research methods and research process.The second chapter is the literature summary. This portion analyses the meaning of the Spatial orientation , research status, the shortcomings on the traditional teaching of the Spatial orientation and development, explains the research need and raises research questions.The third chapter mainly introduces the technology base of the teaching software "spatial orientation", including GIS second development, ArcEngine9.3, .net Framework technology, C/S system frame, and so on.The fourth chapter is combined with the research of the previous chapters. Under the protection of the professional technology,the author complete the design of system overall, database and the function.The fifth chapter introduces the development, the implementation and the application strategy of the software, according to the design of the system overall and the function.The third, the fourth and the fifth part of the full-text will be the main part of this study. Finally, in conclusion, on the prospect of the relevant research, the author point out the shortcomings of this research, and the direction to pursue and explore persistently.

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CLC: > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Secondary education > Subjects teaching methods, teaching aids > History, geography > Geography
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