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Research on the Customers’ Implicit Brand Attitude and the Interference Strategies

Author: SunGuangYue
Tutor: WuRongXian
School: Suzhou University
Course: Applied Psychology
Keywords: mplicit Social Cognition Implicit Brand Attitude Implicit Association Test Evaluative Conditioning Subliminal Persuasion
CLC: B842
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2008
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The traditional brand attitude studies mostly pay attention to consumer’s apparent cognition process. But only focus on consumer’s apparent cognition process is insufficient. Recently several years a series of research reveled that consumer’s implicit social cognition process often plays important role in their brand attitude’s formation and changing. Consumer’s implicit brand attitude sometimes plays important roles when they make their choices. This dissertation has done several experiments on the implicit brand attitude of customers and the subliminal interference strategy from implicit social cognition point of view. This dissertation is consisted of two studies.The purpose of study 1 is to investigate the relationship between implicit brand attitude and brand choice, the inherent rule of implicit brand attitude, and the relationship between implicit brand attitude and explicit brand attitude. Study 1 use Likert Scales as a tool to measure explicit brand attitude, use three implicit association test as tools to measure implicit brand attitude. The Subjects of this study is 31 graduate students. The result of study 1 shows:1. Subjects with different brand choice have corresponding implicit brand preference. Subjects’implicit preference can be significant without having explicit acknowledgement of his or her explicit attitude.2. Not all the subjects with the implicit brand preference have implicit brand identity.3. The explicit brand attitude is not completely coincided with the implicit brand attitude.The purpose of study 2 is to investigate the interference strategies of implicit brand attitude. The software for Interference is composed following the principle of Evaluative Conditioning and Subliminal Persuasion. The subjects of this study are 34 middle school students. The result of study 2 shows: Intervention effect is not significant in increasing the implicit brand attitude, but significant in decreasing or even reversing it.

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CLC: > Philosophy, religion > Psychology > Psychological processes and mental state
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