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Research on the Effectiveness of College Ideological and Political Education via Network
Author: YangXiaoZuo
Tutor: XuJiChun
School: Liaoning University of Technology
Course: Ideological and Political Education
Keywords: network ideological and political education college effectiveness survey countermeasures
CLC: G641
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2014
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With the development of internet era fueled up, vital influence has been casted on theway of thinking, value and behavior pattern of college students. Consequently, channels ofnetwork ideological and political education have extended from traditional mode to networkteaching, which is an important task for college education nowadays. However, due to thefundamental features, virtual and interactive, college network education is under thecoexistence of opportunity and challenge. Therefore, it has become an essential hot researchtopic in college network education of how to build a new platform for network ideologicaland political education in an aim to realize the effectiveness and pertinence. Thus, it is ofgreat significance to dig deeper and strengthen the countermeasures of network ideologicaland political education and further perfect the work and improve students’ ideological andpolitical qualities.On the basis of previous research results, this thesis conducts a research of theeffectiveness in college network ideological and political education. First, it gives a briefintroduction of the background of selecting the topic, research significance and commentariesof related studies home and abroad. Then progressive method is adopted to show a detailedelaberation on the concepts of network ideological and political education and collegenetwork ideological and political education. Meanwhile, it points out the evaluation principleand standard of the effectiveness of college network ideological and political education, onthe basis of which questionnare is conducted to make a survey of the presence ofeffectiveness. Alongside that, it analyzes the influencial factors of its effectiveness from theperspective of subject, object, education content and network carrier. In the end, from thepoint of the application of network carrier and cell phone network, including the constructionof themed website, forum of BBS, twitter, QQ, etc, it proposes the countermeasures ofstrengthening its effectiveness from the aspects of building a contingent of high-standard withnew concept, enhancing the attractiveness of the content of education, reinforce the morality,law and psychology education of students.
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CLC: > Culture, science,education, sports > Education > Higher Education > Ideological and political education,moral education
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