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Life is a Tragedy: A Freudian Psychoanalytic Interpretation of Orin in Mourning Becomes Electra

Author: LiuXia
Tutor: LiHaiJun
School: Zhengzhou University
Course: English Language and Literature
Keywords: Mourn Oedipus Complex Personality structure Defense mechanism
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2010
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The three-act play \Amount Reese Intuit Asia \But Olin in \Of Olympus, a life without hope and meaningless. Admittedly, his tragic fate is influenced by many factors, this paper aims to explore the underlying reasons of the tragedy play male characters Olympus, formed from Freud's psychoanalytic angle. The thesis is divided into three parts: introduction, body and conclusion. Introduction introduces the main content of O'Neill's \The body part of this paper is divided into three chapters. The first chapter briefly introduces the theory and this article, that Freud's Oedipus complex theory of personality structure. The second chapter discusses the Oedipus complex reflected in the body of the Olympus. This chapter is to expand from two main aspects. The first part focuses on the relationship between of O'Neal and the characters in the play Olin. Many commentators argue that O'Neill deeply impact of Freud's Oedipus complex characters Olympus created. Through research on the biography of O'Neill O'Neill suffer the torment of this complex. The second part of this chapter is based on the theory of Freund's analysis of this complex is reflected in the body of the Olympus. The play Olin mother, sister, and later changed the exhibit excessive dependence and obsession with feelings of hate father and uncle. Chapter Olympus personality structure analysis. Olympus powerful this is mainly reflected in his mother's incestuous desire. In his mind, the mother is not just a mother is his true love. More than once he persuaded the mother went to the South China Sea islands and his seclusion. In contrast, Olin self is very weak so that the I can not control the powerful. And his super-ego is lost. While Olin's self to take a depression, empathy, regression, denial and other psychological defense mechanism to deal with anxiety problems he encountered, but this regulation not only useless, but makes this my ultra conflicts intensified between me, until completely beyond his control. Finally, Olympus suicide ended his own life. Concludes with the summary of the contents of the foregoing, pointed out that the root cause of the tragedy formed Olympus is the result of the role of the Oedipus complex and unsound personality structure. Admittedly, social, historical, cultural and other reasons also played a certain role, but his flaw is his tragic fate determinants. Because of his own limitations, doomed all his protests were in vain.

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