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The basic idea of the the Yanbian state-owned joint-stock reform

Author: JiangNiLing
Tutor: PuChengXian
School: Yanbian University
Course: Chinese minority economic
Keywords: State-owned joint-stock Listed companies Senior management State - owned joint-stock enterprises The reform of state-owned enterprises Stock market Operators Yanbian Debt-equity swap Ownership structure
CLC: F279.21
Type: Master's thesis
Year: 2000
Downloads: 48
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In 1980s, there appeared a stream of Stateowned Enterprise Stock System Reform in the world, regarding the Stock System Reform by the Thatcher Government in Oct, 1979 as the starting point.Yanbian State-owned Enterprises had a qualitative leap in the process of reform: impler Administration and Delegating Powers?; ontract System? and echanism Transition System? In 1992, Mechanism Transition System entered to the enterprise. From that time to 1999, among the 329 Independent Accounting Stock-owned Industrial Enterprise, 48 ones had accomplished Stock System Reform and supplied the the Yanbian Stateowned Enterprise with a great deal of capital. Thus there is at the same time, there the speed e universal Problems, such as for: irrational Structure of stock power, internal control it later. A certain DISTANCE between our Stock System Enterprises and the modem ones.The outstanding features of the modem enterprises is the separation of proprietary rights and management rights: On the one hand, in order to manage a modem scale-wide and structure-complicated enterprise, we should entrust specialist with the whole work; On the other hand, all of their management should be subjected to the restrain of the property right. For this reason, the kernel of the Modem Enterprise System is the rational mechanism which can insure mutually controlling andmaintaining balance betWeen the owner and the manager.In stock economy, the more the stock powerdisperse, the bigger caPital share is, which is controlledby the same caPital. It's not only the highest developingperiod of stock system economy, but the fmal develOPingideal pattem of Yanian Stock System Enterprise.The pUrpose of the thesis is tO anemPt to reviewthe past of Yanbian State-owned Enterprise RefOrm, togeneralize the necessity of Stock System Reform, to eXPlain that it is essefltial for our Stock Enterpriseto obtain the suPport in Stock market, to analyzesome problem of the curren Stock SystCm Enterprise, and to put forward my own idea fOr the fufore directionof reform, especially the necessity of human resources'transfer to the market.It 's the last year to achieve our aim that State-ownedEnterprises be off the hook within three years, and alsothe \StatC Council. Acceleratingreform of the State-owned Enierprise, will be key link andtask of the Economic Smicforal Reforms in the first tenyears of the new centUry. The focal and difficult point ofMian economy depends on our industry The successor failure of the Yanian State-owned Reform wil1directly influence all the work of Yanian economyso will it after we join the WTO.I hoPe that the suPerficial idea in the thesis, can help to acce1erate Yanian State-owned EflterpriseReform. Welcome you criicism and good advice.

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CLC: > Economic > Economic planning and management > Enterprise economy > Companies around the world economy > China > Business organizations and institutions
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