About 256 item dissertation in line with Education Fair query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.065 seconds)
- From the Enrollment System to Analysis the Fairness of Higher Education Resources Allocation,WuJie/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/12
- Hubei Higher Education Recource Allocation and Coordination of Development Research,ZhangJiaXuan/Dongbei University of Finance,0/2
- Study on the before and after Loan Management of National Student Loan Operation in Guangdong Province,GeChaoLei/South China University of Technology,0/42
- Study on the Reasons and Countermeasu Res of Weakening the Authority of Teachers in Middle School,LiuXiaoLei/Sichuan Normal University,0/3
- Deep Thinking on China's College Entrance Exam System,LiuFangTong/Harbin Normal University,0/149
- The Resistance Research of Offsite Entrance Reform in Beijing,JiangKun/Dongbei University of Finance,0/9
- From the perspective of educational equity based on regional balanced development of education in Shenzhen city of Luohu District Province as an example,HuZuo/Shaanxi Normal University,0/26
- Study on the Problems and Countemeasures of Equalization in Urban and Rural Education,LiZhiJiang/Hebei University of Economics,0/12
- Study on the Children of Migrant Workers of High School Stage in Shanghai,YuanZuo/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/75
- An Analysis of Migrant Workers' Children Education Equity-in the Perspective of Marxism Education and Equality,WangHaiJiao/Yanshan University,0/5
- A Study on Education of Minorities from The Perspective of Education Equity,PengLiPing/Shandong University,0/150
- Study of Higher Education Fair Policies in Post-Apartheid South Africa,ChenChen/Zhejiang Normal University,0/84
- Fair View of the Student Financial Assistance System Research,TangYongXin/Central China Normal University,0/151
- The Analysis of Unfair Problem on Higher Education and the Countermeasures,ZhangYuFeng/Shanxi University of Finance,0/264
- The Research on Value and Risk of Education Policy and the Reform of Our Country’s Higher School Admissions Policy,YanChuanXiang/Fujian Normal University,0/82
- Research Status of PE Teacher Resources and Rational Allocation of Primary and Secondary Schools of Compulsory Education in Urban and Rural Areas of Gansu Province,QiaoLiang/Xi'an Institute of Physical Education,0/38
- The Discovery of Education Fair Problem in the Class Management with Students of Rural Migrant Family,ZhangHongJie/Lu Tung University,0/41
- The Study of the Value and Approach of Principal Moral Leadership in Primary and Secondary Schools,ShiYueYue/Capital Normal University,0/20
- Study of Fiscal Policy on the Development of Pre-school Education,CaoYing/Shandong University,0/110
- Bibliometric Analysis on Preschool Education Fair Research in China Nearly10Years,WangYueJia/Northwest Normal University,0/575
- The Research of Charges Problem of Pre-school Education,TianShuMei/Changsha University of Science and Technology,2/806
- Research on Present Situation and Problems of Education Group Development in Chongqing,DaiFangJuan/Southwestern University,0/58
- Research on the Integration of Urban and Rural Education of Chengdu,ZhangJiYuan/Southwest Jiaotong University,0/60
- Research on the Migrant Children Share High Quality Educational Resources,LvXueMei/Ningbo University,0/100
- Ethical Demands of the Balanced Development of Compulsory Education in China,YangYang/Nanjing Normal University,0/95
- A fair development of education and human,HuangChangYun/Tianjin Normal University,0/267
- The Compulsory Education Fair Problem Research of Migrant Workers’ Children,ZhouQiaoLing/Jiangxi Agricultural University,,0/281
- Rural Compulsory Education Fairness and Government Incentive Research,NieWenZuo/Huazhong Agricultural University,0/338
- The Anthropological Study of the Children’s Educational Problems of Hefei Ethnic Floating Population,ZhangLiMan/Anhui University,2/207
- A Research on Resource Allocation Standards of Compulsory Education,ZhangChuanPing/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/1007
- Confucius’s Education Fair Thought and Contemporary Value under the Harmonies Perspective,LiuHui/Shandong University of Finance and Economics,0/216
- Education Equity and Social Justice Values,WangJiaJing/Jilin University,0/316
- Research on Education Development in Our Country,BaiYaNan/Shanxi University of Finance,0/69
- The Governance of Fair Education of Vulnerable Groups,MiaoZuo/Nanchang University,0/4
- Students’ Family Background and Academic Achievement Correlation Empirical Study,TanYing/Hunan Agricultural University,0/345
- Research on the Educational Resource Distribution Efficiency in China,GuoYaZuo/Jilin University,11/1740
- A Study on Educational Equity from the Angle of Policy,ZhuJinHua/Jilin University,26/7591
- Balanced Development of Basic Education in Northwest Minority Studies,YangJun/Northwest Normal University,22/1482
- Vocational education Equity Research,LiYanPing/Shaanxi Normal University,21/2487
- The Study of Multicultural Education of America from the Perspective of Education Equity,JinShuMei/Northeast Normal University,24/2672
- Fairness of resource allocation of public higher education in China,PangGuoBin/Liaoning Normal University,9/1612
- A Study on China Government Countermeasure to Push Forward Fairness of Education,CaiQiuMei/Jilin University,9/2363
- Research on the Educational Resources Allocation of High Schools in Undeveloped Area in China,HuangYouYan/East China Normal University,1/824
- Correlation study of social class and Equal Opportunity in Higher,SongHongXia/Shaanxi Normal University,0/858
- The Research on Admission Policy of British Compulsory Education,YaoYanJie/Fujian Normal University,0/314
- Education Equality of Migrant Workers Children in Contemporary Society,HongDongMei/Guangxi University for Nationalities,6/1251
- Carrying Forward Harmonious Idea: The New Way to Achieve Education Equality,ZhangHongWei/Nanchang University,1/199
- Deng Xiaoping Educates the Fair Thought Research,HeJuan/Hunan Normal University,2/302
- Fairness in Education in a Harmonious Society,ShiShengWei/Suzhou University,4/241
- A Survey on Educational Impartiality in the Background of a Harmonious Society,SunDongXu/Northeast Normal University,3/480
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