
About 3224 item dissertation in line with Freedom query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.082 seconds)

  1. Analysis of Influencing Factors in the Banking Intermediation Spread on the Basis of Economic Liberalization,ZuoYingYing/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/64
  2. Research on the Financing of the Small and Micro Enterprises Based Freedom of Interest Rates,WangZuo/Anhui University of Finance,0/100
  3. Study of Mongolian Socioeconomic Institution and Underground Economy,NaRen/Jilin University,0/65
  4. Opportunity Appraisal Theory and Method,ShiSenChang/Tianjin University,0/17
  5. Analysis on Theory of Capability Development from Amartya Sen,WuZhengBen/Dongbei University of Finance,0/4
  6. The Fate of the Liberal Demands on the Authoritarian System Study on the Magazine of "Free China",YangRongQing/Nanjing University,0/9
  7. Research into Lin Yutang’s Thoughts of the Freedom of the Press (1924-1936),PengZuo/Central South University,0/25
  8. The Status and Regulation of Cyberspace Hate Speech in China,LongPiao/Hunan Normal University,0/0
  9. Application Research on Fractional Controller in Five Degrees-of-freedom Air-bearing Spacecraft Simulation System,WangXiaoJun/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/17
  10. The Research and Design of the Dynamic Theaters System,WangXuMing/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/11
  11. A Research on the Parallel-Series Structure Industrial Robot,GuoLun/Qingdao University of Science and Technology,0/12
  12. Investigation of Trajectory Tracking Control of Two-degree-of-freedom Gantry Crane Robot Based on Fuzzy PID Control,ZhengFeiJie/Huaqiao University,0/3
  13. Horizontal Limbs Rehabilitative Robot,FangTaoTao/Henan University of Science and Technology,0/11
  14. Research of Mobile Robot Visual Servoing Control Strategy Based on Active Vision,WangBo/Qilu Industrial University,0/66
  15. Multi-objective Optimization and Stiffness Performance Analysis for3-DOF Parallel Manipulators,WeiBin/Hebei University of Engineering,0/94
  16. Control system design of robot based on ARM,OuYangJianFei/Jiangxi University of Technology,0/65
  17. Research and design of biped race walking robot control system,GuoXiaoMing/Jiangxi University of Technology,0/54
  18. Design and Achievement of Trajectory Planning of the Four-Dof Scara Manipulator,LiuLei/Anhui University of Engineering,0/56
  19. The Design of Exoskeleton Upper Limb Rehabilitation Robot with6-DOF,ZhangHui/Donghua University,0/119
  20. Study on the Mechanical System and the Key Technology of the Stair Climbing Robot Which Can Omnibearing Walk,LiangHu/Donghua University,0/65
  21. Technology Research Based on Fuzzy Control Multiple Degrees of Freedom Robot Arm Control,ChenXuan/University of North,0/13
  22. Research on Echo’s Characteristics of Multiple Shipborne High-frequency Over the Horizon Radar,WangWei/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/25
  23. The Motion Compensation of Shipborne HFSWR,DuanZaiYang/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/25
  24. The Research on Signal Space Alignment in Two-way Relay Channel,ZuoJiaJu/Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/82
  25. Democratic Spirit and Institution Building of the National Southwest Associated University,ChenGuangChao/Guangxi Normal University,0/50
  26. Freedom and Regulation: a Study of the Development of the College Literature Associations,WangHuiFang/Sichuan Normal University,0/28
  27. A Reach on the Limitations of Modern University System from the Perspective of Academic Freedom and Transcendence,ZhengHao/Hebei University of Science and Technology,0/33
  28. On the Institutional Environments of Academic Freedom in University,ZhangFenFen/Shandong Normal University,0/5
  29. Research on the Subjects of Awarding Right of Academic Degrees,ZhaoQiang/Guangxi University,0/50
  30. Theory of the Freedom and Limit of Teaching at the University,SuChang/Huaibei Normal,0/4
  31. The Research of Internet Speech Behavior from the Perspective of the Marx's View of Freedom,GaoWenMiao/Zhejiang University,0/28
  32. Construct Legal Relationship between Media and Justice,ZhuHongZuo/Hubei University,0/37
  33. On Legalization of China's Media Supervision and Judicial Justice Relationship Construction,LiuYu/Sichuan Normal University,0/32
  34. Research on the Influence that Public Opinion on Judicial Adjudication,HuYiMing/Central South University for Nationalities,0/53
  35. The Government Regulation of Corporate Blog's Commercial Speech,QinZuo/Xiangtan University,0/10
  36. A Research on the Social Beneficial Right from the Perspective of Economic Law,XiaoMingMing/Southwest University of Political Science,0/15
  37. Study on Private Financing of SMEs Legal Regulations,GaoQiaoLin/Shanxi University of Finance,0/0
  38. The Dilemma and Reflections on the Application of Criminal Fine,LiuXiaoWei/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/18
  39. On the socialization of execution punishment against freedom in China,DaiXin/Yangzhou University,0/18
  40. On the Crime of Assembled Pruriency and the Improvement of Legislation,ZhaoZiYing/Chongqing University,0/33
  41. On the Spirit of Freedom of Modern Criminal Law,XuQiYong/East China University of Political Science,0/263
  42. Our long-term execution of freedom penalty An Empirical Study on the problem of a certain region in four prisons for sample survey data,ShiHaiYun/Guizhou National University,0/15
  43. Research on Some Issues about the Crime of Communication Freedom Violation,TaoZuo/China Youth Political College,0/31
  44. On the "forwarding five hundred times" conviction standard discussion - to rise since media background,ChenWei/China University of Political Science,0/4
  45. The Individual Freedom in Marriage and Family,YangLeiLei/Southwest University of Political Science,0/42
  46. The Legal Boundary of Freedom of Expression on Social Network,LiaoZuo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/19
  47. On the Legal Protection of Network Privacy Right,YanDong/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/11
  48. Based on the personality right of natural person body,WangPeiZuo/Heilongjiang University,0/4
  49. Testamentary Freedom and Necessary Restriction,SunXiaoZuo/Shenyang University of Technology,0/37
  50. On the Effectiveness of the Contract Violating Premptory Norms,ZhaoBin/Guangxi University,0/64

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