About 14486 item dissertation in line with Level query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.046 seconds)
- Self-Other Decision-Making Differences,NiuZhongHui/Ningbo University,0/3
- Wandering in Ethical Complex:Effect of Construal Level and Power Priming,LouChunHua/Zhejiang University,0/47
- The study of county Party and government leading cadres economic responsibility audit based on national governance,ZuoHui/Yunnan University of Finance,0/14
- An Experimental Study about How to Choose the Indexes and Representation Format in the Performance Evaluation Report,HeKun/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/65
- Urban and Rural Residents in Beijing Cityu Endowment Insuiance Mod Eresearch,SunTao/Anhui University of Finance,0/64
- A Research on Moderate Level of Enterprise’s Social Insurance Paying in Our Country,ZhangFan/Southwest University of Political Science,0/86
- Research on the Economic and Social Effects of Medical Insurance System and Structure Optimization,KuiChao/Nankai University,0/93
- Simulation Study of the Structure of Urban and Rural Old-age Insurance System,ZhangYuJie/Shanghai University of Engineering Science,0/3
- A Research on the Social Insurance Arrears and Evasion Problems,ZhengLi/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/125
- China’s Urban and Rural Residents Medical Insurance Integration System,LinGuo/Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics,0/24
- The Analysis of Urban Workers’ Medical Benefit Level’s Effect Factors,HuXiaoGuang/Anhui University of Finance,0/18
- Study on Social Endowment Insurance Operation System of Urban and Rural Residents in Anhui Province,TangPuKuo/Anhui University of Finance,0/15
- Research on the Urban Employee Basic Medical Insurance Fund Surplus of China,ShengYanYan/Anhui University of Finance,0/27
- The Study of Old-age Insurance for Urban Residents in Taiyuan,HouKai/Shanxi University of Finance,0/1
- Research on the fund raising model of a serious illness insurance of urban and rural residents in China,ChenWenPing/Capital University of Economics,0/14
- Analysis about Fairness of Urban Workers Endowment Insurance,YuYing/Shenyang Normal,0/4
- Study on the problems and Countermeasures in the implementation of the medical insurance system in Binzhou City,FuYingZuo/Shandong Normal University,0/5
- The Research on the Effect of Exchange Rate on Chinese Direct Investment in Kazakhstan,YangJinPing/Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics,0/11
- Research on the Relationship among the RMB Currency Forward Markets and the Construction of Multi-level Foreign Exchange Market,HuChunXiao/Zhejiang University,0/8
- A Research on the Construction of China’s Multi-level OTC Market,ZhangYanQing/Shandong University of Finance and Economics,0/14
- The Research of Bank Lending of China Private Enterprises,DaiHongQuan/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/173
- Capital Dominated Reform:Local Practice of Farmers Financing Credit Cooperation,LuChaoHui/Central China Normal University,0/1
- Research on Market Structre、Cross-regional Level and Performance of Commercial Banks,KongXiangZuo/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/91
- The Research of Bank Resources Deployment Based on the Financial Ecological Environment and Risk Level,PengZhuo/Hunan University,0/20
- The Analysis of the Income and Development about Self-service Banking of Rural Credit Coopratives,NiuYanYing/Shandong University,0/43
- Research on Customer Satisfaction of Local Commercial Banks in Gansu Province,GouWeiChao/Lanzhou Commercial College,0/4
- Evaluation of E-banking Development Level,XuKaiFeng/Ocean University of China,0/6
- The Study on the Level of Regional Financial Development Nda the Dynamic Adjustment of Capital Structure,LiSiCun/Anhui University of Finance,0/27
- A Fiscal and Monetary Policy System Research Based on the FTPL,LuXiaoFei/Nanjing University of Finance and Economics,0/5
- Research on Equalization Effects of the County-level Transfer Payments in Sichuan Province,ZhuZuo/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/64
- Research into Classification Management of Enterprise Income Tax about National Tax Departments at the County Level,ChenWenBo/Xiangtan University,0/81
- Research on Variation of General Tax Level,YinJiMing/Dongbei University of Finance,1/0
- Research on China’s Tax Credit Building,ZhouHongFeng/Tianjin University,0/1
- The Research of VAT Expanding Scope Reform of China,TianYing/Tianjin University of Finance and Economics,0/12
- Study on audit tax a tax audit bureau as an example,WangYang/Capital University of Economics,0/453
- The Economic and Political Foundation Fax Structure,GuanYueTong/Dongbei University of Finance,0/6
- An Exploration of Town Level Financial Management System Reformation in Xiaoshan District of Hangzhou City,GuoLiBo/Xiamen University,0/9
- The Impact of China’s Financial Development on Industries’ Export Products’ Technology Level Analysis,FanYiGe/Hunan University,0/15
- Research on Technological Level and Structural Transformation of China’s Export of Trade in Services,HouZhenZuo/Xiamen University,0/13
- The Research of the Evolution of China’s Service Trade Structure,LiangXue/Shandong University of Finance and Economics,0/10
- A Empirical Analysis of Relationship between RMB Exchange Rate, Import Prices and Domestic Prices,LiWei/Ningbo University,0/3
- Fiscal Policy and Price Stability,LiuHongZhi/Anhui University of Finance,0/5
- A Study on the Relationship between Exchange Rate and Price Level,LuQin/Zhejiang Technology and Business University,0/0
- Research on the Development Degree Evaluation of E-Commerce Platform of B2C in China,JiZhongJia/Liaoning University of Technology,0/135
- Analysis of the Change of RMB Exchange Rate Effect on Commodity Prices in China,HanKai/Shanxi University of Finance,0/2
- Customer Evaluation of Online Product Reviews,HuangZuoQiang/University of Science and Technology of China,0/94
- Modeling the Online Content Mixed-Revenue with the Considering of Customers Advertising Adaption Level,WengBo/East China University of Science and Technology,0/20
- Research on the Effect of Psychological Distance on Online Purchase Decision,WangLiRong/China Agricultural University,0/29
- The Study of Market Demand Factors Influence on FDI of China’s Service Industry Inflowing,QinKe/Hunan University,0/29
- Research on Export Technological Level in China’s Creative Products,TianSi/Donghua University,0/54
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