
About 74 item dissertation in line with Physicochemical property query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.033 seconds)

  1. Effects of Extraction Temperature on Physicochemical Properties and Intestinal Mucosal Immune Activities of Polysaccharides from Dendrobium Huoshanense,WangZhengMing/Hefei University of Technology,0/33
  2. The Speciation of Heavy Metal in the Soil Along Xi'an Roadside,WuJiangZuo/Chang'an University,0/6
  3. Comparative Studydiverse Varieties Hazelnut Powder and Hazelnut Protein of Physicochemical Properties,YinHeZhong/Henan Agricultural University,0/54
  4. Physicochemical Properties of Barley Starch and Preparation of Resistant Starch,XiaoXinLong/Northwest University of Science and Technology,0/74
  5. Effect of Annealing and Heat-moisture Treating on Physicochemical Properties of Chickpea Starch,SunXinTao/Northwest University of Science and Technology,0/55
  6. Study on Corn and Green Tea Used in Process of Cookies,WangYingZhou/Anhui Agricultural University,0/139
  7. Study on the Effects of Ultra-high Pressure on the Gelation Properties of Peanut Protein Isolates and its Mechanism,HeXuanHui/Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,0/252
  8. Experimential Study on Physicochemical Properties and Molecular Simulation on Methane Adsorption Properties of Gas-outburst Coal in Guizhou Area,LiXiJian/China University of Mining and Technology,0/27
  9. Biodiesel Production from Tree Born Oil Using Bronsted-Lewis Acidic Ionic Liquid as Catalyst,LiJi/Northeast Forestry University,0/162
  10. Effects on Catalysts for Catalytic Cracking by the Parameters Change of Reaction-regeneration System,ZhangGuoYing/Liaoning University of Technology,0/15
  11. Research on Physicochemical Property and Combustion Performance of Silicon Delay Composition,SunZuo/Anhui University of Technology,0/12
  12. Study on the effect of organic molecules on the structure and properties of ionic liquids,WangDing/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/79
  13. Study on the QSPR of Aldehydes and Alkones Based on Their Molecular Structureparameters,HouEnQing/Qinghai Normal,0/39
  14. Structure and Physical-Chemistry Property Evolution of Heat-treatment Palygorskite as Well as Adsorption for Phosphorus,XieJingJing/Hefei University of Technology,0/64
  15. Potential Vectors and Hosts of SFTS Bunyavirus in China,JiangXiaoLin/Shandong University,1/140
  16. Study on the Antianemia Activity of Gelatin from Walleye Pollock Skin and Tilapia Skin,YangXia/Ocean University of China,0/1
  17. Effects of Undergrowth Cultivation Modes on Rhizosphere Soil of Camellia Oieifera Abel Forest,ZhengXinJuan/Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,0/31
  18. Study on the Extraction,physicochemical Properties and the Activities of Antioxidation of Polysaccharide from Juglans Regia L. Husk,YuCuiLian/Agricultural University of Hebei,0/223
  19. Study on the Actuality of the Quality about Alisma Orientate (Sam.)Juzep and the Soil Physicochemical Property in Pengshan and Their Relationship,YangJunDong/Sichuan Agricultural University,0/21
  20. Studies on Screening, Identification and Fermentation Conditions of Actinomycete Antagonistic Against Coniella Diplodiella,CuiGuiQing/Jilin Agricultural University,0/91
  21. Study on Species Diversity and Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Soil of Planted Forest in Degraded Red Soil Areas,LiZhi/Jiangxi Agricultural University,,0/25
  22. Nutrient Status and Microbial Communtity Structure of Urban Plantation Soil,YangQinQin/Northeast Forestry University,0/99
  23. The Study on Soil and Water Conservation of Land Utilization Pattern in Lanlingxi Small Watershed,GaoShangKun/Huazhong Agricultural University,0/0
  24. Study on Phosphorus Fractions of Different Aggregates in Brown Desert Soil,NuErASiZuo·YiMaMu/Xinjiang Agricultural University,0/6
  25. Research on the Formation and the Operating Stability of Aerobic Granular Sludge,ZhaoYangLi/Lanzhou University of Technology,0/108
  26. A Study on the Performance and Application of Ultrafine Powder of Plants Materials Containing Tannins,YuJiaQiong/Nanjing Forestry University,0/36
  27. The Research of Gongshui White Pomelo Processing Quality and Brown Stain Improvement,GuShanShan/Huazhong Agricultural University,0/62
  28. Preparation of Collagen from the Skin of Squid and Preliminary Study of Collagen Sponge,WangYan/Zhejiang Ocean University,,0/185
  29. Preparation of Starch Saccharides from Broken Rice by Extrusion and Enzyme,LiuLi/Northeast Agricultural University,0/55
  30. Preparation and Characterization of YAM Maltodextrin and Dialdehyde Starch,WangYuGao/Tianjin University of Science and Technology,0/70
  31. Effects of Ultra High Pressure Processing on Properties of Areca Taro Starch,LiuWenZuo/Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,0/26
  32. Research on Starch Prorerties of Corn Noodle,LiuXiaoFeng/Henan University of Technology,0/208
  33. The Research of the Instant and Ultramicro Arrowroot,ShenNa/Changsha University of Science and Technology,0/102
  34. Study on the Effects of Different Electric Fields Treatments on the Physicochemical Properties of Corn Starch,HanZhong/South China University of Technology,2/236
  35. Research on Extraction Technology of Pomelo Peel Dietary Fiber and Its Functional Characteristics,PengLin/Southwestern University,0/30
  36. Study on Extraction of Dietary Fiber from Flaxseed Meal,LiKe/Xinjiang Agricultural University,0/25
  37. The Study of Microbial Fermentation Peanut Meal for Preparation of Functional Peptides,WeiMingXiu/Shandong Normal University,0/80
  38. Study on the Preparation and Characteristics of Microencapsulated Lycopene,LiMin/Nanjing University of Finance and Economics,0/137
  39. Preparation and Properties of Task-special Ionic Liquids/Ionic Liquid Hybrids and Their Application in Supercapacitor,WeiYing/Suzhou University,0/151
  40. Surface optimization Chinese is extraction of Polysaccharides from hair spore response,ZhangShuYi/Shanghai Normal University,0/444
  41. Study on the Extraction of Roselle Seed Oil by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide,WangPeng/Huaqiao University,0/68
  42. Two color sealavander herb polysaccharide iron (Ⅲ) on the synthesis and properties of structure,LiLin/Northwestern University,0/56
  43. Anionic Functionalized1-allyl-3-Methyumizodalium Ionic Liquids as Excellent Solvent for Cellulose,ZhangYaJuan/Henan Normal,0/229
  44. Effect of different energy plants planted on saline alkali soil microorganisms,JiZuoZuo/Shandong Normal University,0/114
  45. Fermentative Production of Melanin by Auriculaia Auricula and Its Functional Properties,ZouYu/Nanjing Agricultural College,0/46
  46. The Method of Establishing Topological-Quantum Bond Adjacency Matrix and Its Application in the QSPR/QSAR Study for Organic Compounds,GaoShuo/Central South University,0/271
  47. Experimental Study on Influencing Factors of Soil Wind Erosion and Its Movement Characteristics in Northern Foot of Yinshan Mountain,LiXiaoLi/Inner Mongolia Agricultural University,5/231
  48. Study of Germinated Brown Rice on Its Nutritional Property and Physiological Function of Gamma Amino-butyric Acid Accumulation Therein,ZhengYiMei/Huazhong Agricultural University,4/691
  49. A Study on Hypoeutectic Sn-Zn Alloys as Lead-free Solders,WeiXiuQin/Nanchang University,3/312
  50. Changes of Properties and Their Mechanisms of Protein and Polysaccharide Colloids after Ultra High Pressure Treatment,LiZuoSheng/South China University of Technology,9/667

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