
About 208 item dissertation in line with Regional Innovation System query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.094 seconds)

  1. Study of the development of Yangzhou solar photovoltaic enterprises from the perspective of regional innovation system,LiuZhi/Yangzhou University,0/22
  2. The Mechanism and Empirical Study on the Influence of Industrial Agglomeration on Regional Innovation in China,LiuYong/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/131
  3. A Study on Reginal Innovation Capability of Liaoning Province Based on Industrial Cluster,PengMei/Dongbei University of Finance,0/3
  4. Research on the Regional Innovation System’s Knowledge Spillover Based on Dea and C-D Function,WangJianZuo/Northeastern University,0/13
  5. The government function research of regional innovation system in Yangzhou City,SuZhengGuo/Yangzhou University,0/24
  6. The Empirical Research on the Impetus of Architecture Innovationin Hefei,ZhangMingLi/Hefei University of Technology,0/11
  7. A Study on the Evaluation of the Performance of the Regional Inovation System,ChenWei/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/417
  8. Research on Innovation System Construction of the Processing Manufacturing Parks,ZhengRuZuo/East China Normal University,0/106
  9. Study on the Mode of Promoting Science and Technology into the Industrial Park of Jiangxi Based on Improving the Efficiency of Regional Innovation System,HuangLi/Nanchang University,0/32
  10. The Study on Regional Innovation System of Shandong Peninsula Blue Economic Zone Based on Endogenous Industrial Clusters,CiZuoHui/Ocean University of China,0/1
  11. On Local Government Behavior Based on the Construction of Regional Innovation System,LiLiang/Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,0/121
  12. Research on Regional Innovation System in the Yangtze Rever Delta,ZhangLin/Suzhou University,0/150
  13. Sichuan Regional Innovation Capability Evaluation Index System and Case Analysis,ShiZuo/Chengdu University of Technology,0/238
  14. Innovation Performance Evaluation of He-Wu-Beng Independent Innovation Comprehensive Test Area,LiuZuoZuo/Anhui University,0/101
  15. Assessment Study on the Coordination of Key Factors of Industrial Innovation in Chongqing,ZhuLei/Southwestern University,1/55
  16. Establishment of Regional Science and Technology Innovation System under the Sight of Sustainable Development,YuanLiBin/Shanxi University,1/157
  17. Evaluation of Henan Regional Innovation System Efficiency Based on DEA,SunGuoHui/Zhengzhou University,0/141
  18. The Evaluation on the Regional Innovation Performance,ZhaoYinHu/Zhengzhou University,0/45
  19. The Research on the Evaluation of Independent Innovation Ability of Jiangsu Province,ChouJie/Nanjing University of Finance and Economics,0/70
  20. Study on Regional Innovation System Basede on the Dissipative Structure,ZhouXiaoJun/Jiangxi Normal University,0/86
  21. Study on the Influence of Proximity on Firm、Industrial and Regional Innovation Based on Knowledge Spillovers,LiZhenQiang/Hunan University,1/302
  22. The Quantitative Study of Chinese Regional Technological Innovation Performance,SunJian/Chongqing University,1/662
  23. Research on Regional Innovation Ecosystem Based on Energy Flow,YangHaiBo/Guangxi University,0/100
  24. Research on Regional Innovation System Based on Low-carbon Economy,ChenHongMei/Beijing,0/353
  25. A Study on the Role of Research University in the Regional Innovation System,QuZhiChao/Harbin Engineering University,0/111
  26. Research on Functions of Local Government in the Regional Innovation System of Sichuan,ZhangYi/Southwest Jiaotong University,0/26
  27. Dynamic Simulation Study on Regional Innovation of Jilin Province Based on System Dynamics,LangYu/Jilin University,0/242
  28. Research on Knowledge Flow of Regional Innovation System (RIS):Complexity Science Management Persepective,ZhaoWei/Wuhan University,0/268
  29. Research on Evolution Discipline of Resource Allocation Efficiency and Innovation Mechanism in Regional Innovation System,WangLiang/Jilin University,7/1362
  30. Research on Regional Innovation System in the Yangtze River Delta,LvGuoHui/East China Normal University,5/1286
  31. Regional system of common technology Innovation Network,ZhouXueZheng/The Central Party School,4/1030
  32. Research on Action Orientation and Function Mechanism of Local Government in RIS,XuHanLei/Harbin Engineering University,15/1557
  33. Research on the Construction and Management of the Innovation System for the Resource-Based Cities (Areas) in China,TianHongNa/Northeast Forestry University,8/982
  34. Innovation Poles and the Evolution Model of Multi-Innovation Poles Symbiosis,LiZiBiao/Hebei University of Technology,8/1060
  35. Study on the Core Status of Enterprise in Regional Innovation System,HuKai/Nanchang University,5/1062
  36. Research on the Risk of Regional Innovation System,YangJian/University of Science and Technology of China,5/829
  37. A Research on the Contributions of Technological Advances to the Economic Growth in Fujian,ZhouShiJu/Xiamen University,5/784
  38. A Study on Regional Economic Development Based on Resources Fluxion,LiQun/Northwestern Polytechnical University,5/998
  39. A number of issues of regional knowledge management and R \u0026 D centers grow,ZhaoJingZuo/University of Science and Technology of China,1/618
  40. Research on Regional Innovation System Based on Industial Clusters,XuJiQin/Wuhan University of Technology,12/2694
  41. Study on the Trans-Institutional Networks and the Construct of Territory Innovation System,ZhaoFuMin/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,2/715
  42. Research on Regional Innovative Logistic System Model,ZhangFengRong/Jilin University,8/1640
  43. Research on the Allocation of Innovation Resources in the Regional Innovation System,QuRan/Jilin University,35/2744
  44. The Measure and Empirical Research on Maturity of Regional Innovation System,LiSongHui/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,6/1339
  45. Study on Ecological Inbeing of Industrial Cluster,SuJiangMing/Fudan University,50/2528
  46. Research on Regional Innovation System,GuXin/Sichuan University,28/2234
  47. Research on the Theories and Applications of Regional Innovation System Construction Based on Bionic,HaoTaoQun/Jilin University,5/682
  48. Research on Endogenous Innovation Behavior of Regional Innovation System,WeiJiuZuo/University of Science and Technology of China,9/1669
  49. Study on Regional Innovation System of the Old & Industry Base in China,RenJing/Northeast Normal University,1/470
  50. Study on Regional Innovation System Based on Evolutionary Theory,LiWeiWei/Tianjin University,4/1157

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