
About 6610 item dissertation in line with aesthetic query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.089 seconds)

  1. Research on the Impact of "Farm Hotel"Development to Local Aesthetic Culture,WangXiaoYing/Zhejiang Technology and Business University,0/0
  2. Dialect Television Program Aesthetic Haracteristics Analysis,SunDanQing/Sichuan Normal University,0/14
  3. Our Television News Feature Programs Problems and Countermeasures,WangZuoYong/Bohai University,0/1
  4. Interactive Design of Electronic Commerce Website Interface and Aesthetic Research,TianJiJun/Zhejiang Forestry University,0/161
  5. The Research to Network Virtual Haptic Interaction Design and Aesthetic Experience,WuSiYi/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/42
  6. The Study of Interface Design Element and Experience in Digital Game,XuFan/China Academy of Art,0/52
  7. An Analysis of the Martial Arts Image Based on the Aesth Eticpsychology,ChenBaoLei/Shanghai Institute of Physical Education,0/46
  8. The study on the aesthetic characteristics of the badminton movement and aesthetic value,HuangXiaoYu/Liaoning Normal University,0/75
  9. The Research of Strengthening Aesthetic Education through the Yoga Teaching Activities of Institution of Higher Education,LiMengHua/Shenyang Institute of Physical,0/5
  10. Study on Aesthetic Characteristics and Social Values the Development of Aerobics,YangFeiFei/Anhui University of Engineering,0/41
  11. Research on Approaches and Methods of the College Students' Aesthetic Literacy Training in the Context of Contemporary Visual Culture,ZengWenXiong/Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,0/49
  12. On the integration of aesthetic education and moral education of moral education in Colleges and Universities,ZhangRanRan/Nanjing Normal University,0/13
  13. Aesthetic Education in Ideological and Political Education Research,HuZhiWu/Shanxi Agricultural University,0/97
  14. The Research on the Promoting Role of Aesthetic Education in Political and Ideological Education Colleges,FangFang/Ocean University of China,0/5
  15. A Study on Contemporary Mass Culture Aesthetic Perception with College Aesthetic Education,LuJing/Northeast Normal University,0/125
  16. Analysis on the Aesthetic Capacity-building of the Vocational Art Education High School Students,GuanYingZhe/Inner Mongolia Normal,0/2
  17. The Study on Development and Utilization of the Local Cultural Resources in High School Art Classes,FanLiXiang/Inner Mongolia Normal,0/13
  18. Studies onto Approach to the Aesthetic Education Infiltration in Biology Teaching of High School,JiJunHua/Tianjin Normal University,0/4
  19. Since twentieth Century the evolution of thought of music education in primary and middle schools in China on the aesthetic education of music for the central axis - to,BiHongYan/Shaanxi Normal University,0/89
  20. The Phenomenon and Function of Ugliness Appreciation:the Intuitive Perspective of the High School Art Appreciation Teaching,ZhangXiaoZuo/Zhejiang Normal University,0/42
  21. Thinking and Practice About Singing Teaching Based on "the Core of Music Aesthetics" in Education of Junior Middle School,LiuManHua/Central China Normal University,0/61
  22. Research on High School IT Teaching Based on Aesthetic Education Theory,WangChunMei/Shandong Normal University,0/20
  23. The New Way to Teach at Art Appreciation Course in High School Broadened by Contemporary Art,ZhouMing/Central China Normal University,0/7
  24. Introduction to the Cultivation of Students' Innovative Ability in the Fine Arts Education Significance,TanZuoZuo/Shenyang Normal,0/4
  25. The Theory and Practice of Ideological and Political Course of Aesthetic Education,WuChuang/Liaoning Normal University,0/2
  26. Study on Aesthetic Ideology and Politics Teaching in Vocational Education,YangYan/Suzhou University,0/11
  27. Permeate the Aesthetic Education into Geography Teaching in Junior Middle School,ZuoRui/Northwest Normal University,0/15
  28. The System of Construction and Implementation of Middle School Geographical Aesthetic Teaching,LinChenLu/Hunan Normal University,0/5
  29. Research of Aesthetic Education in the Chinese Teaching of Middle School,ZhaoMing/Inner Mongolia Normal,0/4
  30. Inquiry teaching status and Strategies of senior high school Chinese New Poetry in Heyuan area,LanXiang/Guangzhou University,0/20
  31. The Middle School Ancient Poetry Teaching,ZhongYanJun/Guangzhou University,0/32
  32. Study on Aesthetic Education in rural high school in Chinese Education,LiuXiaoZuo/Yangzhou University,0/54
  33. Research of high school Chinese textbooks aesthetic education life tragic works,MaQiong/Shaanxi Normal University,0/47
  34. The study of Aesthetic - high school classical poetry teaching innovation under innovation education field of vision,SongZeHua/Shaanxi Normal University,0/73
  35. School Textbooks in the Type of Female Beauty and Aesthetic Implementation Strategy,ChenWeiLing/Central China Normal University,0/25
  36. Middle School Chinese Aesthetic Education under the Media Lliteracy Education,WangHuan/Central China Normal University,0/36
  37. The aesthetic experience of teaching and research of high school Chinese prose reading,LiRuiLing/Shandong Normal University,0/17
  38. Exploration and Practice on the infiltration of aesthetic education in teaching Chinese in secondary vocational school,DongXinQin/Shandong Normal University,0/20
  39. Construed Vist Perspective of Junior Middle School Language Farewell Poetry Reading Teaching,WangLiJiao/Bohai University,0/2
  40. Research on music education in primary school at the end of the century, Henan city of Luoyang Province,WangYing/Shaanxi Normal University,0/4
  41. Study of Training in the Primary School Art Teaching Aesthetic Ability,ZhaoPeng/Inner Mongolia Normal,0/24
  42. At the End of the20th Century and the Beginning of New Century Primary School Art Curriculum Comparative Study of Teaching Materials,SuZuo/Ningxia University,0/8
  43. The Construction of Shallow Theory of Aesthetic Reading Teaching of Primary School Classroom,ZhangLei/Hunan Normal University,0/68
  44. The theory of appearance of aesthetic study of Ideological and Political Education,YangFan/Shaanxi Normal University,0/39
  45. The Study and Revelation on Lash's Reflexive Modernization Theory,ChenShengLan/East China University of Science and Technology,0/12
  46. The Reception and the Evolution of the Category on "Comedy" in China,ChenZheng/Sichuan Normal University,0/33
  47. "Since the era of media" aesthetic psychology,XuDanDan/Yangzhou University,0/212
  48. Study on parody phenomenon in the context of contemporary aesthetic culture,KongLing/Yangzhou University,0/30
  49. Research about Wuyue's Aesthetic Culture,WuHangSu/Sichuan Normal University,0/15
  50. Regional Aesthetic Characteristics about the Art of Angkor,DengXia/Sichuan Normal University,0/11

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