
About 141 item dissertation in line with beam quality query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.062 seconds)

  1. The Video Data Processing and Transmition of the Laser Beam Quality Measurement,WangHu/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/0
  2. Study on the the Thermal Distortion and the Efficiency of Far Field of the Reflectors Irradiated by the High Power Laser,ZhangLei/Graduate Schoo,Chinese Academy of Sciences,0/45
  3. Research on Key Technologies of Laser Beam Quality Measurement,ZhuXiaoBing/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/22
  4. Fiber Coupling Module of the Beam Properties and Characterization,YuFei/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/1
  5. Research on the Resonator of Non-chain Pulsed DF Laser,TanGaiJuan/Graduate Schoo,Chinese Academy of Sciences,0/0
  6. The Characterization and Evaluation of the Large Size Slab Laser Crystal Material Performance,DingDaWei/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/2
  7. Study on the Beam Characteristics of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser,WangShuangShuang/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/2
  8. High Brightness Semiconductor Laser Fiber Coupling System Design,ChenHeNan/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/6
  9. Generation and Characteristics of Hollow Laser Beams by a Multimode Liquid-core Optical Fiber,HuXiaoBo/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/19
  10. Research on Output of Radial Slabs Solid-state Laser Based on SBS,XuPing/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/4
  11. Research on Diode Laser Linear Array Combining Source and Wavelength Beam Combination with External-cavity Feedback,ZhangJun/Graduate Schoo,Chinese Academy of Sciences,0/7
  12. Investigation on Proton Acceleration by Laser,BanHongYe/Fudan University,0/40
  13. Measurement and Evaluation for the Optical System in Excimer Laser Projection Lithography,MeiLongHua/Guangdong University of Technology,0/81
  14. The Research on High Repetition Seed Laser Based on the Direct Pumping Technique,LiHaiSu/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/31
  15. Studies on Nonlinear Frequency Conversion Technology of the Near-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Waveband Laser,SunQiBing/Xi'an Optics and Fine Mechanics,0/149
  16. Research and Manufacture of Broad-stripe Second-order Metal Grating Distributed Feedback Semiconductor Lasers,ShiJunXiu/Graduate Schoo,Chinese Academy of Sciences,0/101
  17. Research of LD Pump High-power Solid Laser with Plano-convex Resonator,LiuChang/Shenyang Normal,0/89
  18. The study of high energy intensity distribution of laser detection technology,ZengZuo/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/118
  19. Study of How "smile" Effect on the Beam Quality of Diode Laser Array,LangChao/Beijing University of Technology,0/119
  20. Mechanisms of Ion Acceleration via the Interaction between An Ultra Intense Laser with the Underdense Plasma,ZhuZhen/Fudan University,0/24
  21. On the Analysis of the Mode Conditions and Diffraction Characteristics of Annular Core Optical Fibers,HuiXiangYun/Xi'an Optics and Fine Mechanics,0/41
  22. Analysis and Evaluation of Fiber-coupled Module Beam Quality,YangZhao/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/68
  23. The Beam Propagation Characteristics of Semiconductor Lasers,XuQiang/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,7/1086
  24. Study on the Beams Quality of Nonparaxial Scalar and Vectorial Beams,KangXiaoPing/Sichuan University,2/455
  25. Influence of Beam Quality on Propagation and Focus of Laser Beam and Quality of Laser Materials Processing,ChenHong/Beijing University of Technology,9/1157
  26. Big incentive area laser resonant cavity mode field control and beam quality improvement of,WeiQing/Shanghai Optics and Fine Mechanics,0/179
  27. Study on Non-intrusive Aero-optical Measurement Methods and Experiments,LiWenZuo/National University of Defense Science and Technology,2/243
  28. Stimulated Raman Scattering in Gaseous O2, H2 and CH4,HuaXiaoQing/Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics,0/147
  29. Studies on Beam Control in High Power Ultra-short Pulse Ti:sapphire Laser System,LiuLanQin/Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics,4/478
  30. Study on the Propagation Properties and Beam Control of High-power Lasers with Distortions,JiXiaoLing/Sichuan University,8/874
  31. Beam Properties and Beam Combining Technique for Semiconductor Lasers,WuXiang/Zhejiang University,12/1139
  32. Flat-topped Beam Characterization, Simulation and Intensity-moments-based Laser Beam Quality,LuoShiRong/Sichuan University,5/624
  33. The Study of Supsunic Free-Vortex Aerodynamic Window and Its Optical Quality,YiShiHe/People's Liberation Army National Defense University of Science and Technology,4/216
  34. Study on the Application of Aero-Optics,XuXiaoJun/People's Liberation Army National Defense University of Science and Technology,11/434
  35. Energy laser free-vortex aerodynamic window engineering design and related research,LiuTianHua/National University of Defense Science and Technology,2/224
  36. INVESTIGATION ON HIGH POWER HIGH REPETITION RATE TEA CO2 LASER,TanRongQing/Institute of Electronics , Chinese Academy of Sciences,4/340
  37. Study on High Power Laser Resonators with Large Gain Zone,QinYingXiong/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,2/397
  38. Research on Embedded Laser Beam Quality Analyzing System,WangCaiXia/Changchun University of Science and Technology,2/325
  39. Testing of a Photo-cathode RF Gun and Research of Drive Laser Shaping Technology,HeZhiGang/University of Science and Technology of China,0/50
  40. Study on the Control of DPL Beam Quality and Stable Frequency Doubling,MaJianLi/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/125
  41. Study on the Characterizations and Applications of High Power Semiconductor Lasers,CaoChangQing/Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/93
  42. Research on High-power High-brightness Semiconductor Lasers,QiaoZhongLiang/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/408
  43. Study on Coherent Beam Combination Technology of Slab Lasers,LiXiao/National University of Defense Science and Technology,0/139
  44. The Disquisitions of High-brightness High-power Laser Diode,YangZuo/Graduate Schoo,Chinese Academy of Sciences,0/240
  45. Research on Evaluating Methods for Beam Quality and Beam Shaping Technology of Semiconductor Laser,HanZhiPeng/Jilin University,6/649
  46. Fiber-coupled diode laser module design and research,PanYuanYuan/Tsinghua University,3/542
  47. Laser Diode Array of External Cavity Muti-Wavelength Beam Combining,LiuBo/Beijing University of Technology,0/141
  48. ICF drive 3w optical system beam quality Variation characteristics of,WangFang/Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics,3/118
  49. Study on the Third Harmonic Generation of High-power Broadband Laser,WuXianYun/Sichuan University,0/192
  50. Technology and Experimental Study on Roll Surface Texturing with Pulse RF CO2 Laser,ZhuMingZhu/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,7/211

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