About 292 item dissertation in line with science education query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.09 seconds)
- Argumentation-oriented Science Instruction,PanYaoZhen/East China Normal University,0/173
- Reasonable combination of science and art - China Science Education Program "science" and "focus" to explore the comparative study,WangChao/Shaanxi Normal University,0/32
- Investigation of science education in normal colleges and universities of professional curriculum resources in China,NiYuTing/Shaanxi Normal University,0/87
- An Comparative Study on the Course Design of Sino-American Higher Science Education,KangJing/Hunan University,0/32
- Study on the way of infiltration of humanistic care in science education in middle school,WangRuiZhen/Shaanxi Normal University,0/70
- The Reform Process and Enlightenment of Science Education in American High School during the Second Half of the20th Century,WangXiaoLing/Jiangxi Normal University,0/97
- The Study of Exploration Activities in Canada Science Textbook Grade7-9Published by Cengage Group,PengHong/Hunan Normal University,0/13
- Study on local rural science education of middle school,YinXiaoShuang/Shandong Normal University,0/13
- Localization Strategy of Oversea Children Science Education Project,HuangDanJiao/Shanghai International Studies University,0/129
- The Study on Science Education in American Elementary School,WanXiaoMeng/Liaoning Normal University,0/13
- Study on the problems and Countermeasures of the kindergarten classroom science education teaching activities in Xi'an city A kindergarten as an example,SongXueYan/Shaanxi Normal University,0/398
- The Exploration of the Content of the Science Education in Kindergartens in Terms of Children's Interest,ZhangLiPing/Sichuan Normal University,0/114
- Remark on the Possibility of Integration of Science Education and Humanities Education and Its Realization,XiaoLinGen/Hunan Normal University,0/125
- Research on Interest in Science of China Intellectuals in Late Qing and Early Republican China,LiQiang/Donghua University,0/29
- Study on Ren Hongjuan’s Thoughts of Science and Science Education,HaoShan/Hunan University,0/38
- Bibliometrics Analysis on 《International Journal of Science Education》 from2001to2010,LiNa/Chongqing Normal University,0/137
- A Deep Researching on English Program in China,HeZuoZuo/Harbin Normal University,0/101
- Case study on the characteristics of social science education activities,XuYongLi/Shanghai Normal University,0/32
- Research on the Optimization Strategy of Science Education Major Curriculum Based on Teacher Professional Development,GuZuo/Shanghai Normal University,0/33
- The Research on the History of Library and Museum Science Department in Southwest Teachers College,HuangJingJun/Southwestern University,0/24
- The Research on Science Education Thought in University of China in the First Half of the20th Century (1901-1937),NiuZuo/Shandong University,0/57
- Research on the theory and practice of informal science education for teenagers,LiuQing/Capital Normal University,0/19
- A Comparison and Analysis on the Scientific Reasoning Ability of High School Students,ZhouSiZuo/Central China Normal University,0/126
- Research on HPS Merged into Geography Teaching in Senior School,ShaoMingZuo/Northeast Normal University,0/1
- A Study on Teaching Method Innovation of the Course the Theory and Practice of Comprehensive Science Experiment,WangChangRong/Shanghai Normal University,0/43
- Integrated experiment in middle school science curriculum theory and practice teaching material construction,HouGuoPing/Shanghai Normal University,0/73
- Influence on the cultivation of scientific proof ability of cooperative learning group,GeLeFei/Shanghai Normal University,0/138
- The Research on the Policy of Science Education in Middle and Pirmary School duirng the Peirod of the Republic of China(1912-1949),ZhangKai/Anhui Medical University,,0/117
- A comparative study of Chinese and American primary school science content standards,LiuJie/Shanghai Normal University,0/5
- Comparison the Biological Part in Primary Science between China and Japan,QiZhiCai/Zhangzhou Normal University,0/181
- A Survey Research on the Science Education Conditions and Countermeasures of Primary School,XiaoJuLian/Hunan Normal University,0/1964
- Study on Instructional Strategies of Promoting Young Children’s Conceptual Change,ChenXiuLi/Northeast Normal University,0/3
- Research on Rural Kindergarten Teachers Preparation for Science Education,QianYuanQiu/Southwestern University,0/121
- The Kindergarten-based Curriculum of Science Education,WangTianYe/Liaoning Normal University,0/263
- The Study of Teacher-child Interaction in the Pre-school Science Education Activity,LiuWenZuo/Liaoning Normal University,0/526
- Research on the Content Construetion in Kindergarten Science Education,JiKuiKui/Fujian Normal University,0/533
- "Learning by Doing" and the Early Childhood Science Education Reform in Modern China,ZhongXiaoShu/East China Normal University,0/594
- An Exploration of "Learning by Doing" Science Education,ZhouMeiHua/Hangzhou Normal University,0/3
- China Education Research in the Path of the HPS,ZhangYi/Chang'an University,0/32
- Study on School Technology Risk Education,YangZhaoNing/Southwestern University,0/191
- Between science and Industry: an analysis of Mu Ouchu's thought of Science Education,LiYang/Fudan University,0/49
- A Study on Lexical Bundles in Disciplinary Academic Writings by Native Scholars,YuMiao/Dalian Maritime University,0/25
- The Study on Modern Science Education in Northwest China,LiXiaoXia/Northwestern University,0/78
- Cognitive Mechanism of Scientific Discovery Learning and Software Modeling of Its Learning Environments,ChenGang/Nanjing Normal University,2/711
- Research on the Education of Science in the Ecclesiastic Universities in China 1901-1936,WangZuo/Shanghai Jiaotong University,7/733
- Study on Scientific Literacy of the High School Students in Guangxi Minority Regions,LaiXiaoQin/Southwestern University,8/1060
- Korea Institute of Science and Education,JinJingZe/East China Normal University,13/1255
- A Research on Complex Learning,HuangDu/East China Normal University,4/1140
- Science education as the core of scientific inquiry teaching strategies research,MaHongJia/Nanjing Normal University,24/2994
- Knowledge and Control: The Sociological Analysis of Ancient China’s Scientific Education,LiChaoZuo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,1/1051
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