About 9906 item dissertation in line with U6,Waterway transport query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.031 seconds)
- Research on Architecture of Ship Evacuation Simulation System Based on UML,XiaoLei/Harbin Engineering University,0/13
- Ship Passenger Evacuation Model Based on Agent Theory,YuYang/Harbin Engineering University,0/30
- A Study of ESP Reading Based on CBI Teaching Concept,YanTianMing/Ningbo University,0/1
- Design of the Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon Tester,HeHao/Harbin Engineering University,0/33
- Construction of Dongying Maritime Search and Rescue Emergency Management Mechanism,NieXinFeng/Dalian Maritime University,0/27
- Education and Management of Foreign Crew Reference to China Analysis,XuGang/Dalian Maritime University,0/60
- Research on Effects of Human Factors in Shipping Navigation Safety,ChenQian/Wuhan University of Technology,0/36
- Track Fitting and Fuzzy Optimal Scheduling for Inland Vessels,XiongJuan/Wuhan University of Technology,0/15
- The Engine-room Resource Management Training and Evaluation System Research,YuanJunFu/Dalian Maritime University,0/19
- Research on Technology of Energy Saving with Power Reducing of Marine Main Engine and Its Optimization,WangQiang/Dalian Maritime University,0/141
- Study on Ship Collision Risk Assessment and Anti-Collision Decision Making Methodology,ZhangJinFen/Wuhan University of Technology,0/105
- Study on the Evaluation Method of Ship Driver's Safety Psychological,WangGuanXiong/Wuhan University of Technology,0/10
- The Study of the Personal Maritime Search and Rescue Terminal Based on AIS Technology,RenYangYang/Qingdao Technological University,0/6
- Ship spare parts management and system development decision based on Data Mining,YinSheng/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/36
- Resistance Analysis and Emergency Risk Assessment for Towing of Large Marine Structures,YangXiYang/Tianjin University,0/2
- Design and Implementation of Simulation System of Chart Plotting Platform Based on Qt,LiPengFei/Harbin Engineering University,0/22
- Cooperative Navigation of Multi-vessels Based on Decentralized Augmented Information Filter,DingWei/Harbin Engineering University,0/34
- The Key Technology Research on Ships' Celestial Navigation Based on Star Pattern Recognition,SunJianMing/Harbin Engineering University,0/96
- Research on the Key Technology of VTS and AIS Information Fusion in the Internet of Inland Ships,YuJunYi/Wuhan University of Technology,0/28
- Research on the Key Technologies of Underwater Gravity Field Aided Navigation and Positioning,ZhangHongWei/Harbin Engineering University,0/98
- Study on Method of Ship Collision Avoidanee Decision-making in Imminent Danger,HuangYing/Jimei University,0/35
- Design and Implement of Chart Course Plotter Based on Key Technology Research,ShuaiShuMin/Harbin Engineering University,0/13
- Research on Internet of Ships RFID Data Process,Bai/Dalian Maritime University,0/87
- Research on the Ship's Intelligent Collision Avoidance System Based on AIS and ENC,SunHaiNan/Dalian Maritime University,0/49
- Strategy Research on Ship Driving Behavior Based on Ship Encounter Simulation,LiZhiFeng/Wuhan University of Technology,0/15
- Analysis and design of electronic chart system,SunDaGuang/Yunnan University,0/40
- Microcontroller-based Ship Design and Implementation of Anti-collision Warning System,LuYang/Zhejiang Ocean University,,0/6
- The Key Technical Research of Ship's Anchoring Informatization Management,WuYong/Zhejiang Ocean University,,0/1
- The Compression of AIS Message Data,BiYueZuo/Zhejiang Ocean University,,0/9
- Research on the Algorithm of Underwater Attitude Calculation,LiXiangZuo/University of North,0/6
- Study on the River Ship Target Detection and Autonomous Tracking System Based on Marine Monitoring Platform,LiuLong/Hunan Normal University,0/0
- The Design of Motion Attitude Measurement System of a Product under Water,KongXiangBin/University of North,0/3
- Coordinated Control of Multi-UUV Formation for Spatial Curve Path Following,MouChunZuo/Harbin Engineering University,0/15
- Estimation and Control the Overflow Loss of Trailing Suction Hopper Dredger Based on Particle Filter,XingJiaLi/Jiangsu University of Science and Technology,0/39
- Research on Model-aided Dead Reckoning and Path Following Control Methods for Flat UUVs,ZhouJiaJia/Harbin Engineering University,0/34
- The Research of the Location of Side Hulls of Trimaran and Wave Making Interaction Based on the Method of Mixed Optimization,SuYuShan/Harbin Engineering University,0/47
- Design and Research of Key Technologies for a New AUV in Complex Sea Conditions,GaoFuDong/National University of Defense Science and Technology,0/230
- Control Methods of UnderWater Vehicle Hovering System,QiXiaoQiang/Harbin Engineering University,0/8
- Flow Mechanism and Hydrodynamic Noise of3D Rigid Cavity,WangYu/Tianjin University,0/14
- The Design of Liner and Ship Propulsion System for36M FRP Tuna Longline,ZongJunHua/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/22
- Research on Yacht Integrated Building System Based on Configurable BOM,LiangXiaoChun/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/28
- Construct Research for114500DWT Bulk Carrier,HuangYueCheng/Harbin Engineering University,0/37
- Real-time Dynamic Simulation Research on the Deepwater Pipelay Crane Vessel Operation,XuYuanGe/Harbin Engineering University,0/96
- Concept Design and Research on the Hydrodynamic Performance of a Multi-cylindrical FDPSO,ZhaoZhiJuan/Tianjin University,0/1
- Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation about the Maneuverability of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,BianDongDong/Tianjin University,0/1
- Finite-time Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,JiaRui/Tianjin University,0/2
- The Main Dimension Parameters Optimization Design Study of a Newly Typed Lifting Vessel Based on Hydrodynamics Characteristics,GuoXueLong/Tianjin University,0/1
- The Optimization of the Crane of Large and New Type Catamaran,WangZhen/Tianjin University,0/0
- The Model Maneuvering Test and Numerical Simulation and Motion Simulation of Trimaran,BianHaiPeng/Harbin Engineering University,0/20
- Software Integration of Visual Simulation System of Pipelay Crane Vessel and the Design of Tensioner Control Interface,WangJiaXiang/Harbin Engineering University,0/12
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