
About 477 item dissertation in line with Interlanguage query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.020 seconds)

  1. A Corpus-based Study of Adverbs Used in English Majors' Compositions,ZhangYan/Tianjin University of Science and Technology,0/20
  2. A Study on Chinese Learners' Acquisition of English Requests,SangHongYan/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/8
  3. Analyzing Interlanguage of Non-English Majors from Semantic Views,JiangXiaoZuo/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/6
  4. The Roles of Different Types of Negative Feedback on Interlanguage Development,XuMingLu/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/3
  5. A Study on Interlanguage Fossilization among Non-English Majors in English Writings,WangYanYan/Inner Mongolia Normal,0/2
  6. A Study of Interlanguage Fossilization in Chinese English Learners,ShaoYang/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/1
  7. An Error Analysis on English Derivational Affix Acquisition in Non-English Majors,WuNianZhe/Liaoning Normal University,0/1
  8. On Be Verb Structure in L2Syntax of Chinese Students,WangFengZuo/Ningbo University,0/1
  9. A Study on English Writing of Junior Middle School Students:a Perspective of Error Analysis,RenXiaoHua/Shaanxi Normal University,0/111
  10. Chinese Middle School Students' English Acquisition Order from the Perspective of Processability Theory,LiuTian/Shandong Agricultural University,0/14
  11. Chinese EFL Learners'Interlanguage Variation of the English High Front Vowel [i:] among Graduate Students in Inner Mongolia,WangLi/Inner Mongolia Normal,0/0
  12. Study on the Interlanguage Variation of Chinese English Learners,LiXingXing/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/8
  13. A CLEC-based Analysis of Tense Errors in College Non-English Major Students' Writings,BaiYanLing/Ningxia University,0/3
  14. A Corpus-based Study on Lexical and Grammatical Features in Chinese Efl Learners' Use of Verbal "Non-finite Clauses",FangXiuCai/Shanghai International Studies University,0/4
  15. An Empirical Study of Fossilization in C-E Interpreting,ZhangAnZuo/Shanghai International Studies University,0/58
  16. English as an Interlanguage of Strategy Research in the Field of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language,DuZuo/Northwest Normal University,0/9
  17. Special sentence Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Studies,WanZuo/Shandong Normal University,0/4
  18. Chinese Bi-constituent Sentences Error Analysis for Korean Students Based on Interlanguage Corpus,JuWeiWei/Lu Tung University,0/17
  19. Comparative research on China students learn Spanish use different textbooks,LiSiYuan/Shanghai International Studies University,0/41
  20. The cultivation of pragmatic competence in French teaching,YangYuan/Xiangtan University,0/0
  21. An Error Analysis of Vocational School Students’ English Writing,FangWeiPing/Zhejiang University,0/34
  22. A Study on Interlanguage in English Writings of Non-English Majors from the Perspective of Error Analysis,YangWenJin/Guangxi University for Nationalities,0/61
  23. On Acquisition of Non-english Major Undergraduates’Interlanguage Pragmatic Competence in English Class,ZhangYao/Shenyang Normal,0/66
  24. A Longitudianl Case Study on Fossilization of English-Major Students’Interlanguage,LiuShenQiang/Dalian Maritime University,0/87
  25. Error Analysis of English Composition in Junior Middle School,MaFang/Henan University,0/161
  26. Pragmatic Fossilization of Comforting Speech Act in Chinese EFL Learners,YangLinLin/Henan University,0/32
  27. A Study on Interlanguage Fossilized Pronunciation of English-major Students from Southeastern Gansu Province,ZhangZuo/Lanzhou University of Technology,0/46
  28. An Interlanguage - based Error Analysis of Middle School Students’Use of the Relative Clause,ChenJiaMei/Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/76
  29. A Corpus-based Study of Vagueness in Reporting Source in Chinese English Learners’ Reporting Speech,LiFei/Anhui University,0/4
  30. A Study on Word-substitution Errors in Chinese English Majors’ Writings,JiangMingLi/Huaqiao University,0/16
  31. A Corpus-based Analysis of Interlanguage Fossilization of Chinese Non-English-Major College English Learners,WangXueXue/Anhui University,0/24
  32. Esearch of High-frequency Conjunctions in Science and Engineering Majors’ English Writing,JiDongMei/Shanxi Normal University,0/13
  33. Spoken-Like Features in the Academic Writings of Advanced Chinese Learners of English,SunYaZhen/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/18
  34. A Corpus-based Study on Chinese EFL Learners’Acquisition of English There-Existential Construction,SunDan/Anhui University,0/28
  35. A Corpus-based Analysis of Chinese EFL Learners’Verb-Noun Collocational Errors in Oral Production,ChenYanLing/Northwest University for Nationalities,0/28
  36. A Study on Chinese Students’ Acquisition of English Articles and Interlanguage Syntactic Impairment,XuQiHao/Shandong Agricultural University,0/26
  37. An Analysis of Interlanguage Verb Errors,YangMeiQin/Yan'an University,0/37
  38. A Study of Interlanguage Fossilization on Non-English Majors’ Compositions,RenBo/Shanxi University of Finance,0/38
  39. The Definiteness Effect in the L2English of Chinese Learners,SuJiaJia/Ningbo University,0/56
  40. Appling Radial Categories to Interlanguage Variation,TangLiPing/Ocean University of China,0/40
  41. Study of Interlanguage in English Writing of Non-English College Students,ZhangZiZuo/Shanxi Normal University,0/42
  42. An Empirical Study on the English Lexical Defossilization among the College Students,WangGuiJuan/Shandong Normal University,0/52
  43. A Study of the Relationship between L1Pragmatic Competence and Interlanguage Pragmatic Competence from Chinese EEL Learners’ Disagreements,LiZiQian/Nanjing University of Technology and Engineering,0/51
  44. Interlanguage-oriented Study on the Error Analysis of Classroom Oral English for English Majors,TanHongWei/Changchun University of,0/68
  45. Deviational Analysis on Connected Speech of Students from Senior High School Affiliated to SHNU with That of Standard RP,WangJianBo/Shanghai Normal University,0/65
  46. On the Cultivation of College Students’ Interlanguage Pragmatic Competence under Explicit Instruction,ZhengJunLi/Nanchang University of Aeronautics and,0/63
  47. A Pragmatic Study of Refusing Speech Act by Chinese English Learners,LinLiQing/Shanghai International Studies University,0/83
  48. An Empirical Study of Chinese EFL Learners’ Interlanguage Pragmatic Development Based on Criticism Speech Act,WangMeiLing/Hunan University,0/90
  49. A Study of Senior High School Students’ English Fossilization,ChenShiXian/Hebei Normal,0/117
  50. The Study of Selective Fossilization of Inflectional Affix by Adult Chinese Learners of English,ZhuDi/Ocean University of China,0/5

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