
About 282 item dissertation in line with LD query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.087 seconds)

  1. Study on Issues of the Management Employee Training in LD Company,HuLingLing/Liaoning University,0/22
  2. Study on Optimization of LD Company’s Incentive Scheme,ZhangLiYun/Ocean University of China,0/6
  3. A Modeling Research on the Formalization of Different Concepts-based Instructional Design,ZhaoLiuGen/Hunan Normal University,0/2
  4. Inhibition of Return in Junior School Students with Learning Disabilities,YangYuRan/East China Normal University,0/31
  5. Role of NLRP3Inflammasome and Downstream Cytokines in Atherosclerosis,WangLiLi/Dalian Medical University,0/114
  6. Experimental Study on the Prevention of Glucocorticoid-induced Avascular Necrosis of the Femoral Head in Rabbits with Hong-LD,ChaiTianPeng/Luzhou Medical College,0/2
  7. Population Genetic Structure and Association Analysis of Juvenile Growth Traits Using SRAP Markers in Torreya Grandis,DongLeiMing/Zhejiang Forestry University,0/22
  8. Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of Thermal Flow Field for Irradiation Box of Low-voltage Cable Ultraviolet Cross-linking,TangJiaDong/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/3
  9. Characteristic Analysis of the Ground Source Heat Pump-floor Radiant Heating System Used in the Cold Area,LiuZhiLong/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/1
  10. Research on Flux Compression Generator as Laser's Driving-power,LingWanChun/University of North,0/2
  11. Research on the Technology of Testing the Axis Straightness of Deep-hole Based on LD/PSD/,NingLei/University of North,0/4
  12. Study on the Microstructure Evolution of7050Aluminum Alloy during Non-isothermal Aging Process,ZhangXue/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/63
  13. Research on Key Technologies of Inhibiting Fluorescence by Shifted Excitation Raman Difference Spectroscopy,LiFan/Xiamen University,0/3
  14. Diode-laser Double-end-pumped Cavity-dumped1.06μm Laser,ZhengMeng/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/43
  15. Research on the Critical Phase-Matched542.7NM Green Laser,RuanRenQiu/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/0
  16. Research on Bwt-K85S06M Laser Drive Technology,XiaoDongYa/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/0
  17. Study on LD Pumped All-solid-state Red Pulsed Laser,LiuZuoZuo/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/0
  18. Lapping and Polishing Research on Semiconductor Laser Chip,ZhaoHaiFeng/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/6
  19. Study on LD Pumped Er:Yag Laser,LengJinSong/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/7
  20. Researches on the Technique of All Solidified Laser for LIDAR,NiuLinQuan/Xi'an Optics and Fine Mechanics,0/27
  21. Study on the Dual-frequency Microchip Laser Spectrum of LD Pumped,ZhangHui/Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/0
  22. Research on High Power1064nm Single Frequency Laser,ZhuJianChao/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/9
  23. Based on Good Heat Dissipation Optical Fiber Coupled Laser Illuminator Structure Research,BiDuanFeng/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/1
  24. Nonlinear Static/Dynamic Analysis of Piezoelectric Viscoelastic Microbeam in Thermal-electric Couple Field,HuHaiTao/Hunan University,0/11
  25. The Redesign of Compensation System for LD Company,LaiYangFan/Shandong University,0/103
  26. A Study on Parallel Dependence Relations Decomposition of Programmable Logic Controller,ZhaoYing/Hangzhou University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/18
  27. Key Technology Research of High-performance Programmable Logic Controller Based on FPGA,LiXiaoHui/Zhejiang University,0/4
  28. An Algorithm of Computing String Similarity Based on Improved Levenshtein Distance,HanAnZuo/Northeast Normal University,0/2
  29. Research on Experiment System of Video Wireless Laser Communication,ZhaoBoWen/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/46
  30. Study on Key Techniques in Passive Optical Networks and Optical Grid Applications,ZhuMin/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/129
  31. The Voice Codec Research in the Mine Digital Leakage Mobile Communication System,LouKaiYu/Hefei University of Technology,0/24
  32. Investigation of RoF Signal Generation and Frequency Multiplication Based on FP-LD,LiBin/Tianjin University,0/57
  33. Studies on Bar-stack LD Pumped Tm:YLF Slab Lasers,ZhaoKai/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/6
  34. A Study on the Development Strategy of Ld Vocational and Technical College,MaAiMei/Guangxi University,0/60
  35. Guangdong LD Gareer Academy Double Quality Teaching Team Construcion Research,ZhouZuo/Guangxi University,0/168
  36. Research on Constructing CSCL Script Based of EML,GaoJiMei/Hunan Normal University,0/20
  37. Research on Structure and Application of Teaching Design Modeling Language,FangYanLin/Hunan Normal University,0/3
  38. The Research on Prospective Memory of Children with LD:Evidence from ERP,JiLiLi/Henan University,3/98
  39. A Comparative Study of the Syntax-discourse Interface of Left Dislocation Construction in English and Chinese,WangJiZuo/Shanghai International Studies University,0/225
  40. Primary Experimental Study on in Vivo Construction of Tissue-engineered Osteochondral Composite Using a Combination of Biomimetic Scaffold Col-CS/NHAC-PLA and Gene-transducted Bone Mesenchymal Stem Cells,LiZuo/Fujian Medical,0/51
  41. Exogenous Phosphoric Acid Muscle Acid on Anaerobic Exercise the Function of Support,WangXiaoHui/Dalian Medical University,0/7
  42. Multi-Locus Association Test,PangYu/East China Normal University,0/47
  43. Experimental Study on Effects of Liuweidihuang Decoction on Rat UUO and Fas, FasL Expression of Renal Tubular Epithelial Cell,ZhangJiBo/Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/13
  44. The Influence of "Shuanggu Yitong" Electroacupuncture on Energy Metabolism in the Liver of Aging Model Rats with Yang Deficiency,LvJingFang/Hubei University of Chinese Medicine,0/19
  45. Fine Mapping of the Major QTL for Glycolytic Potential on Porcine Chromosome3,YangJie/Jiangxi Agricultural University,,0/19
  46. Association Analysis of Gln1-3and Gln1-4Genes with Grain-yield Related Traits in Maize (Zea Mays L.),ChengCuiJuan/Sichuan Agricultural University,1/50
  47. Association Mapping and Linkage Mapping of Several Quantitative Traits in Rice(Oryza S Ativa L.),LiXiaoBai/Zhejiang University,0/529
  48. Study on Mathematical Models of Laser Shaft Alignment,ZuoTianYan/Kunming University of Science and Technology,0/41
  49. Study and Synthesis of Modified Starch and Application in the Printing,ChenLiang/Xi'an University of Engineering,0/23
  50. Research on the Laser Beam Welding Behavior of Fine-grained ZK60Magnesium Alloy,ChenPing/Hunan University,0/40

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