
About 454 item dissertation in line with YangYing query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.048 seconds)

  1. Analysis on Innovative Guarantee Models of China’s SME and Corresponding Recommendations,YangYing/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/256
  2. Study on the Relationship between the Shopping Guide Sharing Community Trust and Network Consumption Willingness,YangYing/Central China Normal University,0/2
  3. Research on Mechanism of Enterprises’ Technological Capability on Promotion of Technological Learning Rate,YangYing/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/50
  4. Research on the Entrepreneurial Network,Strategic Flexibility Effect on Firm’s Performance,YangYing/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/4
  5. The operation group fund management mode of electric vehicles with PTX group as an example,YangYing/Capital University of Economics,0/10
  6. Research on the Interaction between Specialized Market and Regional Textile&garment Industry Cluster,YangYing/Shanghai University of Engineering Science,0/13
  7. Research on the Pattern of Financial Governance in a University Based on Responsibility Center Management,YangYing/Central South University,0/35
  8. The construction of ecological classroom of high school art,YangYing/Shaanxi Normal University,0/69
  9. Application of interactive electronic whiteboard in information technology teaching in Senior High School,YangYing/Shandong Normal University,0/21
  10. Research on the Influence of Tourism on Employment in Yunnan Province,YangYing/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/85
  11. The Research of Cumulative Voting System about Chinese Companies,YangYing/Shanghai University,0/49
  12. null,YangYing/Yangzhou University,0/44
  13. Research on Performance Appraisal about the Heads of State Taxation Bureau Departments of H Province,YangYing/Harbin Engineering University,0/25
  14. New Study of Freedom Thoughts in Marx's Doctor Thesis,YangYing/Shenyang Normal,0/1
  15. Research of Te Cartoonish Oil-painting Phenomenon of Chinese Contemporary "Post-80s Generation",YangYing/Jiangxi Normal University,0/33
  16. Field Investigation and Research of Chaoyang Yingge Dance in Guang Dong Province,YangYing/China Academy of Art,0/2
  17. Study on Affixes of Khmer,YangYing/Yunnan Nationalities University,0/20
  18. An Analysis of College Teacher Talk from the Perspective of Dialogue Theory,YangYing/Xi'an University of Engineering,0/19
  19. A Study on Effective Classroom Teaching Behavior of an English Teacher in Junior Middle School,YangYing/Sichuan University of foreign languages,0/14
  20. Experimental Study of the Repair of Peri-implant Bone Defect with the Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate,YangYing/Dalian Medical University,0/9
  21. Primary Exploration of Ovarian Endometriosis Cyst Diagnosis Value on SWI,YangYing/Shanxi Medical,0/19
  22. Vein-supercharged Septocutaneous Perforator-plus Fasciocutaneous Flap:Role of Venous Supercharging in the Flap in Rabbit Model and Clinical Series,YangYing/Central South University,0/3
  23. Clinical Research of Iron Metabolism Indicators in Myelodysplastic Syndrome,YangYing/Shanxi Medical,0/20
  24. Epidemiologic Survey of Grass Carp(Ctenopharyngodon Idella)Reovirus in South China and Establishment of Duplex Real-time RT-PCR,YangYing/Sichuan Agricultural University,0/51
  25. Part of Key Technologies of Notopterygium Cultivation and Quality Comparison,YangYing/Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,0/7
  26. Static and Stability Analysis on Cable-atayed Double-layer Cylindrical Latticed Shells,YangYing/Qingdao Technological University,0/5
  27. Research on emergency strategy of large city comprehensive transportation hub,YangYing/Shanghai Normal University,0/91
  28. Isolation and Characterization of Phenanthrene-Degrading Bacteria and Their Preliminary Application in Plant-Microbe Combined Remediation of Heavy Metals-Phenanthrene Co-Contaminated Soil,YangYing/Nanjing Agricultural College,0/6
  29. The Study of Baryon Spectrum at BESⅢ and Fast Simulation at CEPC,YangYing/Central China Normal University,0/0
  30. Phase Transition of One Dimension Spins Interacting with Phonons of Spin-lattice System,YangYing/Nanjing Normal University,0/6
  31. The Homology Groups of Gn,m,YangYing/Chongqing University of Technology,0/4
  32. Schneider Projection Problem Related Cone Volume Inequality,YangYing/Wuhan University of Science and Technology,0/7
  33. A Study on Establishing the Key Areas for Internal Audit of Hunan Xiangzhonghai Real Estate Co., LTD,YangYing/Hunan University,0/96
  34. The Empirical Study of the Performance and Intermediary Business of Listed Commercial Banks,YangYing/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,1/966
  35. The Evaluation and Selection of Suppliers of Guangdong Unicom ICT Project,YangYing/South China University of Technology,0/25
  36. A Study of Yunnan Travel Agency Brand Recognition,YangYing/Yunnan University,0/203
  37. The Relationship between Organiztional Innovation Climate and Individual Innovation Behavior in Pirvate Enterprise: the Mediating Effect of Creative Self-efficacy,YangYing/Anhui Normal University,0/2
  38. Product Quantity Control Based on the Cmmi Model,YangYing/Southwest Jiaotong University,1/111
  39. Analysis of Circulation Agriculture Model and Influencing Factors of Farmer’s Cognition on Circulation Agriculture in Wanman,YangYing/Jiangxi Agricultural University,,0/2
  40. Research on the Role of Government in Guarantying Vegetables Quality Safety Based on the Survey on the Conduct of Consumer in Shenyang,YangYing/Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,0/92
  41. The Empirical Research on Factors Affecting Public of Logistics Information Platform and Collaboration Capacity,YangYing/Shanxi University,0/25
  42. The Study on Relationship of M&A Motivation and M&A Performance to Listed Companies,YangYing/Yanshan University,0/752
  43. Research on the Stock-based Incentive of Management and Company Performance,YangYing/Tianjin University of Commerce,0/206
  44. An empirical study on the relationship between intellectual capital and the sustainable development of private enterprises in China,YangYing/Shaanxi Normal University,0/81
  45. Empirical Studies of Executive Pay and Corporate Performance of Listed Companies,YangYing/Capital University of Economics,0/502
  46. Credit Risk Measurement of the Listed Companies in China Based on KMV Model,YangYing/Shandong University,0/266
  47. Research on Dynamic Decision Making Methods of Complex Product Development Project Portfolio,YangYing/Hefei University of Technology,0/230
  48. The Study on Process Reengineering of Enterprises Registration Administrative Approvel Based on Petri Net,YangYing/Yanshan University,0/45
  49. Research on the Subject of Public Opinion of Network Incident of Genetically Modified Rice,YangYing/Huazhong Agricultural University,0/222
  50. H_∞Control and Passive Control for Nonlinear Singular Systems,YangYing/Northeastern University,0/28

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