About 384 item dissertation in line with Irony query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.072 seconds)
- The Irony in Marx's Thoughts,LiuGuoXian/Shanghai University,0/1
- Metaphor and Irony: Richard Rorty's Theory of Liberal Utopia,ZhangZhiHong/Heilongjiang University,0/52
- Wang Zi Mei Comic Research from1935to1948,ZhangShuang/China Academy of Art,0/8
- The Research of Narrative Ethics in Jia Zhang Ke's Film,XuJuan/Henan University,0/153
- Through the Japanese irony watch Japanese culture,WeiZuo/Shanghai International Studies University,0/84
- Ironic Language Methods in Works of M.E.Saltykov-Schedrin,LiuHongWei/Nanjing University,0/18
- A Study on English Verbal Irony from the Perspective of the Echoic Theory of Irony,JiangYi/Zhejiang Technology and Business University,0/1
- A Study of Verbal Irony from the Perspective of Relevance Theory,HaoJiaHuan/Liaoning Normal University,0/31
- Illocutionary Metonymies Analysis of Irony,GaoHui/Harbin University of Science and Technology,0/13
- A Cognitive-pragmatic Approach to Irony-a CMS Analysis,YuZhenZuo/Sichuan University of foreign languages,0/1
- Study on Unreliable Narrator in the novels of Chinese New Period,LiuChang/Central China Normal University,0/1
- Traumatic Experience with the Creation of Novels Eileen Chang,YinKun/Shandong Normal University,0/4
- A Cognitive Study of Ironies in Samuel Beckett's Dramatic Texts,PengZuo/Nanchang University of Aeronautics and,0/27
- A Veiled Life—on the Early Art of Eudora Welty in a Curtain of Green and Other Stories,ChenMingZuo/Fujian Normal University,0/1
- Hurtful Love,WengLiPing/Fujian Normal University,0/0
- A Study of Irony in Emma from the Perspective of Speech Act Theory,YinHeLing/Dongbei University of Finance,0/1
- A Comparative Study on Translation of Discourse from the Perspective of Relevance-Theory to Verbal Irony,LiYuan/Chinese Geology University (Beijing),0/70
- The Research of Characteristic of Irony in the Western Traditional Aesthetics,LiuFang/Henan University,0/0
- The Development Trend of Children’s Irony Comprehension Ability in Primary School,WuWei/Suzhou University,0/21
- 6To10Years Old Children’s Understanding of the Social Functions of Verbal Irony,ZhouKaiXiang/Southwestern University,0/5
- Bernard Williams "true and sincere" the sixth chapter notes,FengWenZuo/Capital Normal University,0/21
- Study on the Characteristics of China’s Left-Wing Comic Creation During the Period of Anti-Japanese War,ZuoXiaXia/Inner Mongolia University,0/12
- Talk about the Hua Junwu’s Comics on Its Creation Idea and Artistic Features,LvDaoYuan/Zhejiang Normal University,0/48
- On the irony of Jiang Wen's films,ZhangYi/Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,0/209
- The Drama Interpretation about the Story of"Mencius",DongFeiFei/Fujian Normal University,0/0
- Pragmatic analysis of Japanese irony,ZhouQiao/Jilin University,0/35
- The irony of modern Russian newspapers and periodicals,TuYa/Xinjiang University,0/22
- On the Representation of the Deconstructionist Features of Lu Ding Ji in John Minford’s English Version of the Deer and the Cauldron,ZhangZuo/Central China Normal University,0/62
- The Study of the Translation Strategy of Irony in Fortress Besieged from the Perspective of Functionalist Theory,YinJingJing/Henan University,1/229
- A Relevance-theoretic Approach to the Verbal Irony in the Big Bang Theory,ZhangChuanYing/Shandong University,0/468
- Interpretation of Irony from Adaptation-Relevance Perspective,XieDanDan/Shandong University of Finance and Economics,0/27
- Cognitive Analysis of English Irony in the Meaning Construction Process,ChenHongZuo/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/46
- Japanese Students Learning Chinese"Good" Words of Bias Analysis,LanZuoZuo/Central China Normal University,0/54
- Toward a Cognitive Study of Irony Based on RT-CIT Model,WangXiaoLian/Henan University,0/0
- A Study of Irony in Guo Degang’s Cross-talk,LiuZuo/Northeast Normal University,0/0
- A Cognitive Pragmatic Study of Irony,LiLing/Xi'an International Studies University,0/42
- A Study of Irony in Internet Language,LiWei/Xinjiang Normal University,0/201
- A Study of Verbal Irony in Political Debates,LiYing/Shandong University,0/53
- A Relevance-Theoretical Approach to Irony in Advertisements,ChenMingMing/Shandong University,0/72
- A Cognitive Approach to the Construal of Irony in Advertisements,YangZhu/Sichuan International Studies University,0/82
- An Analysis of Verbal Irony from the Perspective of Relevance Theory,GaoZuo/Dongbei University of Finance,0/29
- A Cognitive Study on Irony,XuQin/Hunan University,0/74
- A Cognitive Approach to the Construal Mechanism of Irony,ChenRuZuo/Sichuan University of foreign languages,0/22
- A Study of the Prcognition Process of Verbal Irony in Communication,LuoZuo/Zhejiang University,0/27
- Cognitive Model of Verbal Irony Based on Relevance Theory,FuZhenZhen/Southwest Jiaotong University,0/143
- The Hisotric Rationality of Children’s Ironic Literature,BaiZuoYuan/Northeast Normal University,0/117
- A Study of Realistic Criticism of the Reportage in the Areas Under KMT Rule During the War of Resistance Against Japan,WangLuSheng/Fujian Normal University,0/4
- The Sense of Survival in the Novel of Yan Lianke and the Reflections on Modernity,WuZuoZuo/Southwestern University,0/18
- The Research on the Bantering Narratives in New-story Style of the Modern Shanghai Style of the Novel,WuMengJia/Henan University,0/1
- Travelers Far Away from Home,ChaiJinJin/Northeast Normal University,0/55
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