About 249 item dissertation in line with superparamagnetic query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.045 seconds)
- Transcatheter Arterial Injection of SPIO-NS/Doxorubicin/PVA Treatment of Rabbit VX2Liver Tumor Efficacy Study,LiZhen/Central South University,0/5
- An Experimental Study of MRI Targeted Diagnosis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma by Hab18Coupled SPIO,ZhangShengWang/Central South University,0/10
- Optimize Prescription Process,Characterize of Anti-MECA79-PBCA-USPIO Nanoparticles and to Differentiate Benign and Malignant Lymph Node in MRI,LinBingQuan/Southern Medical University,,0/58
- Therapy of Focal Cerebral Ischemia by SPIO-labeled Adipose-derived Stem Cells via Intravenous Transplantation under Magnet Field,ChenXiaoDan/Chongqing Medical University,0/12
- The Study on Effective Concentration and Time of Magnetic C-ERBB2Antisense Probe Transfected into SK-Br3Breast Cancer Cell Lines in Vitro,LiuHaiYan/Chongqing Medical University,0/8
- hAMSCs Hepatogenic Induction, Label, and the Role of Caveolin-1in hAMSCs Hepatogenic Induction,WangZuo/Liaoning Normal University,0/0
- Ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide (USPIO) labeled SD rat adipose derived stem cells (ADSCs) in vitro and in vivo,CaoJian/Beijing Union Medical College,0/13
- Multifunctional Ultrasound Contrast Agents for Multi-mode Imaging and Therapy of Metastasis in Lymph Nodes,NiuChengCheng/Chongqing Medical University,0/78
- Experimental study on the distribution of macrophages and smooth muscle cells in the atherosclerotic plaque,LiDaiXin/Yangzhou University,0/160
- The Study of the Gene Imaging of C-erbB2Antisense Probe Labeled with Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Used for MR of BALB/c Mice,WenZhiPeng/Chongqing Medical University,0/11
- Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide-loaded Polymer Contrast Agents for Multi-modality Imaging and High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Cancer Ablation,SunYang/Chongqing Medical University,0/61
- The Effects of Megration of Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide(SPIO)-labelled Mesenchymal Stem Cells by a Magnet on Brain Infarction in Rat Model,ZhengJie/Chongqing Medical University,0/18
- Synthesis and Application of Surface Coating Superparamagnetic Fe3O4 Nanoparticles,ZhouChunZuo/Hunan University,0/289
- Synthesis and Performance Study of Monodisperse Magnetic Nanoparticles,WangHuiLi/Ningbo University,0/1
- In Vitro and in Vivo Studies:Dual-modality Labeled Bone Mesenchymal Stem Cells of F344Rats,ShiXinLin/Beijing Union Medical College,0/15
- The Effects of SPIONs-labeled Amniotic Membrane-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation on Alkali Burn Model in Rabbit,LiYanWei/Zhengzhou University,0/44
- MR Tracing of Bone Marrow Stem Cell Targeting Experimental Study of Hepatocarcinoma in Rats,WangZuo/Hebei Medical University,0/108
- Tracking of Human Peirpheral Blood Endothelial Progenitor Cells Labeled with Alkyl-PEI2k/SPIO in a Lung Carcinoma Xenograft Model by7.0T MR Imaging,ChenCong/Second Military Medical University,0/72
- Design and Fabrication of Multifunctional Nanocarriers and Its Preliminary Application in both Cancer MR Imaging and Targeted Therapy,LiaoZhenYu/Tianjin University,0/329
- DC Vaccine Therapy PDAPP Transgenic Mouse and New MRI Contrast Agent Detect Amyloid Plaques,LiJiaLin/Tianjin Medical University,0/35
- Magneticiiy Labeling of Rat Glioma Stem Cells and MR Tracking in Vitro,LiShaoPeng/Anhui Medical University,,0/43
- In Vivo MRI Tracking of Endothelial Progenitor Cells Labeled with Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide in Rat Model of Cerebral Ischemia,HouWeiZuo/Anhui Medical University,,0/49
- Experimental Study of the Synthesis and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of a Molecular Probe Targeting Fibrin of Tumor Stroma,LiDongLi/Southern Medical University,,0/150
- Study on CIA Rat’s Inflammatory Reaction Affected by Uc-MSC with Superparamagnetic Nanoparticles,LiHui/Yangzhou University,0/16
- Dual-modality Bioluminescence and MRI in Monitoring Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy in Myocardial Infarction,ChangNing/Beijing Union Medical College,0/0
- The in Vivo Tracking Study of Mri After Transplantation of Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell Labeled by Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide in Rat Models of Myocardial Infarction,MaNing/Beijing Union Medical College,0/331
- Nanomagnetic Immunochromatographic Technology and Its Application in Pathogenic Microorganism Detection,SunJianBin/Fourth Military Medical University,0/205
- Constructing Molecular Probe Targeting Angiogenesis of Gastric Cancer and MR Imaging in Vivo,XuJian/Fourth Military Medical University,0/3
- Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron Oxides Enhancement Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Detect Atheromatous Plaques of Abdominal Aorta in Rabbits and Ezetimibe Effect on Vascular Inflammation After Vascular Injury,HanShaSha/Hebei Medical University,0/10
- Application of R2~* in detection of iron content of normal brain tissues,HuXiaoHua/Yangzhou University,0/8
- Biological Activity and MR Imaging of the SPIO-labeled ADSCs,FanJingJing/Zhejiang University,0/28
- L-Selectin Ligand Targeted USPIO-PBCA Nanoparticles:Synthesis and MRI Application in Lymph Nodes,LiBaiGe/Southern Medical University,,0/57
- Specific MR Imaging of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using AFP-targeted USPIO Molecular Probe,SongJiHui/Shandong University,0/71
- Preparation of Multifunctional Ultrasound Ontrast Agents for Us, Mr, and Ct Imaging,LiAo/Chongqing Medical University,0/159
- The Effects of SPIO Labeling on the Expression of TfR and Fn in Rat ADSCs and Its Myocardiocyte-like Differentiated Cells,YanLiFen/Southern Medical University,,0/24
- A Preliminary Experiment Study on Proliferation Capacity and Viability of Adipose-derived Stromal Cells Labeled with Ultrasmallsuperparamagnetic Particles of Iron Oxide,YaoChen/Southern Medical University,,0/40
- Establishing Type2Diabetes Mellitus Rhesus Monkeys Model and Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells Transplantation to Treat Them,SongQiaoQiao/Kunming Medical University,0/1
- Fabrication of γ-Fe2O3Magnetic Composite and Superhydrophobic Superparamagnetic Films,ZhangLiDong/Shandong Institute of Light Industry,1/131
- Preparation and Characterization of Spinel Ferrite Hollow Nanospheres,ZhuGongYu/Henan University,0/95
- Fabrication and Properties of Multifunctional Fluorescent-magnetic Yolk-shell Hybrid Nanostructures,LiuHaiYan/Northeast Normal University,0/44
- Characterization and Applications of Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles Based on Click Chemistry,LiangCong/East China Normal University,0/58
- Synthesis of Magnetic Mesoporous Composite Nanospheres as Drug Carriers,LiuGai/Beijing University of Chemical Technology,0/128
- Preparation and Biomedical Applications of Multifunctional Nanocomposites Based on Magnetic Nanoparticles,ZhouShuai/University of Science and Technology of China,0/967
- Preparation and Study on Superparamagnetic Fe3O4Magnetic Polymer Micelles System,LiuJing/Hebei Medical University,0/207
- Preparation and Application of the Imaging Agent DDNP-SPIONs for Targeting β-amyloid Protein,ZhouJingZuo/Chongqing University,0/37
- Application of magnetic nano superparamagnetic surface modification of Fe_3O_4 design and the MRI contrast agent,LuoXiaDan/Yangzhou University,0/97
- Asymmetric Hydrosilylation of Ketones Catalyzed by Superparamagnetic Recoverable and Reusable Cu-Fe Nanoparticles and Copper-Catalyzed Asymmetric1,4-reduction of N-Arylβ-Aryl β-Dehydroamino Acid Esters,LiMin/Hangzhou Normal University,0/36
- Investigations on Fluorescent Chemosensors for Zn2+, Hg2+Derived from Inorganic-organic Hybrid Materials,WangYuZuo/Lanzhou University,0/106
- Controllable Preparation and Study of Fe3O4Magnetic Nanoparticles,MaHui/Shanxi Normal University,0/92
- The Research on Immobilization of Lipase and the Inhibition of a Kind of Flavonol on Tyrosinase,XingLanKun/Lanzhou University of Technology,0/59
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