
About 1011 item dissertation in line with The core competence query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.02 seconds)

  1. Research on Profit Pattern’s Optimization of China’s Third Party Financial Management Institutions,ZhangJianTao/Dongbei University of Finance,0/27
  2. A Study of the Development Path for B2C E-commerce in China,LiMingXi/Shanghai International Studies University,0/2350
  3. Study on Core Competence of B2C E-commerce Corporations,LiuZuo/Xiamen University,0/11
  4. Research on the Core Competence of Ctrip,XuRongRong/Shanghai International Studies University,0/1147
  5. Research on VAM of Private Enterprises Financing,GaoLingNa/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/159
  6. A Study of the Assistance of Customers in Financing and Pledge Financing from NY Storage Companies,XieYuanWei/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/15
  7. Empirical Research on the Impact of Foreign M&A on Corporate Financial Core Competence of Target Companies Listed in Chinese Shanghai or Shenzhen Stock Market,ZhouLiYing/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/13
  8. The company website construction and application of voluntary information disclosure evaluation scale,LiZhuoSong/Capital University of Economics,0/1
  9. Research on the Core Competence of Science And Technology Enterprises,LiangZuoMing/Northeastern University,0/5
  10. Study on the Strategic Transformation for A Company,ZhangZiHeng/Henan University,0/35
  11. The Strategy Transfer Research of Talkweb Company from Project to Product,LiuFang/Central South University,0/12
  12. Study and Cultivation on the Core Competence of Chaoyang YT Company,NiuDa/Liaoning University,0/6
  13. Research on the competitive strategy of the strategic management of the company based on YN,ZhangHong/Yunnan University,0/31
  14. Countermeasure Study for Transformation&Upgrading of OEM Enterprises,GuJianZhong/East China University of Science and Technology,0/47
  15. The Research on Cross-Border Mergers&Acquisitions of Royal TenCate N.V. Based on Core Competence,LiZhongZhen/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/4
  16. Research on Zhejiang Garment Export Trade Way Upgrading,XiaoZuo/Zhejiang University of Technology,0/7
  17. Study on the Evaluation and Promotion of Printing Company’s Core Competence Based on Niche Theory,ZhaoLei/Beijing Jiaotong University,0/26
  18. The Study on the Core Competence of a Petrochemical Company,GuZhenGuo/Jilin University,0/71
  19. A Study of S Company’s Cost-leading Strategy,ZuoHong/East China University of Science and Technology,0/34
  20. Traditional Chinese medicine injection enterprises innovation strategy,LiuBaiYang/Capital University of Economics,0/3
  21. Research on the Core Competence of Construction Machinery Leasing Enterprises in China,LiuWei/Central China Normal University,0/4
  22. Research on Integration Strategy of Overseas Mergers and Acquisitions of SANY,ZhouZhongHui/Lanzhou Commercial College,0/18
  23. The Core Competitiveness and Improve Strategy of Xiamen Tungsten Company,XieMin/Huaqiao University,0/3
  24. Research on the Dynamic Mechanism of Core Competence Transition in Manufacturing Enterprises,ZhuMeiRong/Harbin Engineering University,0/144
  25. Research on Evolution of Dynamic Core Competence of Advanced Manufacturing Enterprises,LengDan/Harbin Engineering University,0/182
  26. Application Research on the Core Competence Analysis of Apple Inc. and Its Enlightenment to China Electronic Enterprises,WanHua/Tianjin University,0/13
  27. Marketing Strategy Research of Eletronics Components Distributor,HuangNing/East China University of Science and Technology,0/25
  28. Research on the Core Competence of Yunnan Flower Industry Development,XuJiaWan/Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,0/292
  29. Research on the Core Competence of Real Estate Enterprises in Shanxi,HanYanHu/Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology,0/78
  30. The Research on Development Strategies for Hubei Postal Express&Logistics Company,LiuPeiFeng/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/29
  31. XD software (Nanjing) analysis and evaluation of core competence research center,DaiZuo/Nanjing University,0/8
  32. On the Core Competence of Sports Industry,ZhouBo/Hunan Normal University,0/398
  33. Study on Development Strategies of Shenyang ZY Vocational Training School,LiangShuang/Dalian University of Technology,0/6
  34. Study on the Core Competence Promotion of the New Undergraduate Universities in Guangxi,ZhuLiHong/Guangxi University,0/95
  35. A Study of Core Competence Cultivation of Higher Vocational Art College Students,MaLing/Sichuan Normal University,0/42
  36. Based on the Core Competence of the Construction of the Health Management Professional Curriculum System Research,ZhaoShaoYun/Shanxi Medical,0/40
  37. Research on the Construction and Operation Management about Dynamic Alliance of Large-scale Construction Project,FangQing/Three Gorges University,0/41
  38. Research on Core Competence of the Chinese International Contractors in the International Market,JinZuo/Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology,0/42
  39. Cultivation and Intelligent Evaluation Research of the Construction Enterprise's Core Competence in Hebei Province,DongYaLi/Hebei University of Engineering,0/17
  40. A Research of Knowledge Management System Construction of Dalian Jinguang Construction Group,YiJingBin/Dalian University of Technology,0/10
  41. A Study on the Synergetic Strategy Building of Fine Chemical Enterprise,WangPeng/Tianjin University,0/38
  42. Research on the Integration Strategy of the Conch Cement,ZuoJingJing/University of Electronic Science and Technology,0/68
  43. Study on the connotation of the core competence and the cultivation of Yanzhou Mining Group,ZhangZuo/Shandong Normal University,0/7
  44. Competition Studies of Our Country Domestic Capital Accounting Firms,FuXuMei/Southwestern University of Finance and Economics,0/110
  45. The Research on the Post-Merger Integration of Accounting Firms Based on the Core Competence Theory,WangYang/Shandong University of Finance and Economics,0/93
  46. Analysis of the Integration in Accounting Firms Based on Core Competence,RaoSiZuo/Jiangxi University of Finance,0/338
  47. Empirical Research on the Evaluation of the Core Competence of Listed Securities Company,ZouJiaYao/Nanjing Agricultural College,0/14
  48. The Core Competence of Rural Credit Cooperatives,DuYingJie/Nanjing Agricultural College,0/19
  49. Research on Accounting Recognition and Measurement of Core Competence of Commercial Bank,LvXinJie/Lanzhou Commercial College,0/119
  50. The Analysis and Evaluation of Core Competence of China Construction Bank,ZhangAiJiao/Zhejiang University,0/659

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