About 6687 item dissertation in line with action query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.074 seconds)
- Text Analytics for Supporting Decision Discussion in Online Discourse,DengShaSha/Shanghai Jiaotong University,0/169
- Study of government behavior Chinese in foreign direct investment,YangJianTao/Shanghai International Studies University,0/141
- Research on the Operation Safeguard System of Large-scale Live-action Tourism Performance Project,LiangYongKang/Huaqiao University,0/146
- Action Research on the Island Tourism Development from the Perspective of Ecological Civilization,SuLiSheng/Zhejiang Ocean University,,0/13
- CRM Study of after Service for Vivitek,WangJianJun/Changchun University of Science and Technology,0/2
- Research on the Joint Action and Its Influencing Mechanism on the New Product Development Performance in the OEM Enterprises,WuYanYan/East China University of Science and Technology,0/2
- Research on the Influence Mechanism Transfer Climate Act on Training Transfer Effect,LiChunGui/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/21
- Power distance and employee voice behavior: the moderating effect of psychological ownership,ZhouXue/Tianjin Normal University,0/6
- The Study of Mechanism of Regional Technology Strategy Acting upon Enterprise Migration Oriented to Undeveloped Areas,ZengPeng/Harbin Institute of Technology,0/61
- Empirical Research on the Nascent Entrepreneur’s Intention and Action,YaoZuo/Dongbei University of Finance,0/1
- Research on Enterprise Group a Based on Balanced Scorecard Strategic Performance Management,JiNian/East China University of Science and Technology,0/140
- The Resarch on Action Learning and Enterprise Leadership Research,LiXinPing/Yunnan University,0/116
- Research on the Mechanism of Muti-Team System Process and Team Effectiveness Based on Mts Theory,ShenShuHong/Zhejiang Technology and Business University,0/1
- The Research on Professional Managers’Competency Model and Its Developmental Strategy under Transformational Change Context,FanLei/Zhejiang University,0/2
- Polycentric Governance Research about Corporate Politieal Action Influencin Factor,LiShanZhu/Zhejiang Technology and Business University,0/1
- The Role of Market in City Commercial Bank Governance Mechanism Research,ZhaoWeiQun/Shijiazhuang University of Economics,0/3
- A Study on Entrepreneurial Action Learning and Its Effectiveness Mechanism,ChenYanNi/Zhejiang University,0/279
- The Development of Farmer’s Agent,DongBin/Northwest University of Science and Technology,0/14
- Study on the Influence of Agricultural Export Trade on the Growth of Farmers’ Income in Shandong Province,DuanBoKe/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/9
- Paths for Agricultural Informatization in Shouguang City,ZhangXiaoZuo/Northwest University of Science and Technology,0/23
- An empirical analysis of the relationship between the economic growth of Yunnan province and the income gap between urban and rural areas,YuanXiHeng/Yunnan University of Finance,0/7
- The Influence of Social Security for Income Gap between Urban and Rural Residents,ZhaoWenPeng/Shandong University of Finance and Economics,0/3
- The Study on Bazel’s Property Rights Thought,WangShuZhen/Hebei University of Economics,0/3
- Research of Project Risk Response Action Selection Methods,ZuoFei/Northeastern University,0/8
- Study of Lean Performance Management System of Real Estate Enterprise,ZhuYeZuo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/18
- Spatial Effect of Special Economic Functional Area on Urbanization,ZuoPeiHong/Liaoning Normal University,0/15
- The Urban Housing Policy System Research in China,WangWangPing/Nankai University,0/88
- Government Behavior Analysis of the Development of Recycling Economy in Wuhan,XiaoZuo/Tianjin University of Commerce,0/3
- Research of Mechanism of Industry Association in the Trade Dispute,LiuBoYang/Shanxi University of Finance,0/0
- An Empirical Study of Information Distribution in Online Forums,HuShiLong/Shanghai University,0/5
- The Study of Micro-blog Agenda-setting Function,NiChengYing/Sichuan Normal University,0/28
- Educational NGO Program Research in Organizational Communication Perspective,LiuWei/Xiamen University,0/2
- Horizontal Limbs Rehabilitative Robot,FangTaoTao/Henan University of Science and Technology,0/11
- The Design of the System of the Intelligent Creel Robot,GuYingJia/Donghua University,0/18
- Local Facial Action Units Recognition Based on DWT-KPCA,SongXiaoNa/Northeastern University,0/2
- Motion Analysis and Recognition Based on Inertial Sensors,HouZuGui/Harbin Engineering University,0/103
- Study of Video Human Action Recognition Based on Local Spatio-temporal Features,WangTao/Harbin Engineering University,0/36
- The Research on Action Recognition Algorithms Based on Hidden Markov Template Model in Video Sequences,ShiXiaoKai/Wuhan University of Technology,0/7
- Complex Human Activity Recognition Based on SCFG,HuangJinXia/Central South University,0/20
- Research of Action Recognition Based on Monocular Vision,FanZuo/Wuhan University of Science and Technology,0/11
- Emotion Recognition Based on3D Human Motion Data,SuWenZuo/Tianjin University,0/5
- Action Recognition Based on Spatial-Temporal Pyramid Sparse Coding,ZhangXiaoZuo/Tianjin University,0/2
- Action Recognition Based on Three-View Geometry Constraint,LiuQiGuang/Tianjin University,0/2
- Human Action Recognition Based on Random Fields,SunZuo/Tianjin University,0/4
- Research on Action Recognition Based on Improved Spatio-temporal Features,LiFeng/Huaqiao University,0/2
- Research on Facial Expressions Recognition Method,OuYangZuo/Huazhong University of Science and Technology,0/680
- Application of Sparse Representation in Video-based Human Action Recognition,GuYingZuo/Tsinghua University,0/17
- Human Action Recognition Based on Tensor and Canonical Correlation Analysis,JiaChengCheng/Jilin University,0/446
- Analysis and identification of target behavior of family oriented smart space active service,LiHaiTao/Yanshan University,0/106
- Research on the Approach of Human Action Recognition Based on Spatio-temporal Features,GaoWenJing/Yanshan University,0/7
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