
About 851 item dissertation in line with J1,Countries around the world Art Overview query results,the following is 1 to 50(Search took 0.021 seconds)

  1. Discussion on the development and creation of Korean modern fiber art,WangMeiLian/Hangzhou Normal University,0/21
  2. The Relationship between the Chinese Contemporary Art and "The Human",DongYanYan/Dalian University of Technology,0/12
  3. The Education of Animation in Consumption Era,LiuYuGuo/Dalian University of Technology,0/7
  4. Culture-enriched Idea in Time for Fashion,JieLiJia/Dalian University of Technology,0/4
  5. The New Symbol Character and Meaning of Modern Commercial Art,DuHaiYuan/Dalian University of Technology,0/1
  6. The Study on Art Ant Design Education under the Design Ecology,MengHong/Dalian University of Technology,0/15
  7. The Analysis of Soft Realism Art Language,LuYanFei/Dalian University of Technology,0/6
  8. Thinking of Visual Arts in Gas,WangQiuShi/Dalian University of Technology,0/2
  9. The New Generation Digital of Chinese Artoon,YuanQiang/Dalian University of Technology,0/50
  10. Deductive China classical images in modern visual art in the,TangShuangPing/Yangzhou University,0/21
  11. Preliminary Exploration on the Life-Oriented Fine arts Education and its Realizing Approaches,LiuJiao/Hubei University,0/117
  12. The Study on Development Strategy Mode and the Choice of Animation Enterprises in Hebei Province,ShiJie/Shijiazhuang University of Economics,0/10
  13. The Symbol Studies of the Image of LIU Sanjie,RenXuBin/Nanjing University,0/82
  14. The Study of Pure Land Faith Reflected in Dunhuang Left Paintings and Literature among the Paintings,WuYuXiu/Yangzhou University,0/150
  15. Research on Issues and Countermeasures of Liaoning's Animation Industry,LiDongHui/Northeastern University,0/6
  16. In contemporary Dunhuang art as an example to analyze the stochastic problems,ZuoJiaZhe/Northwest Normal University,0/36
  17. Optimization of Domestic Animation Products Based on Product-level Theory,HeRong/Hunan University,0/20
  18. Renaissance Art in France: the Decorative Arts of First Fontainebleau School during the Reign of Francis I,WangXiaoZuo/Tsinghua University,0/58
  19. Study of Changsha City animation development strategy based on the analysis of consumer behavior,LinJing/Central South University,0/42
  20. China animation and game exhibition operation mechanism and to explore the role of the Chinese international digital entertainment products and Technology Exhibition (CHINA JOY) and China international animation game Expo (CCG EXPO) is to focus on the study of,ZhangJiaWen/Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,0/25
  21. Development of Shanghai in the early evolution of Western Art Association (1912-1928),ShiZuoZuo/Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences,0/41
  22. Study on Surrealism wall technology under the influence of Art,WangZheYu/China Academy of Art,0/6
  23. A Tentative Research on the Public Welfare Power of the Civil Taiwan Art Education and the Inspiration to Mainland China,XiangYuanHao/Wenzhou University,0/59
  24. Interpretation of RIEGL "art will" concept,XuLeiLei/Shanghai Normal University,0/42
  25. Multiple-trend Chinese Art Criticism,1978-1989,WangJianYu/Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts,0/199
  26. Research on the Theories and Methods of Chinese Art History in the First Half of20th Century,CaoGui/Tsinghua University,0/67
  27. A Study of Core Competence Cultivation of Higher Vocational Art College Students,MaLing/Sichuan Normal University,0/42
  28. Totem Worship and Symbols,ZuoZuoZuo/Nanjing Arts Institute,0/75
  29. "Patron of the Arts" in the History of Western Art Model Rheological Lushan,LuShan/Nanjing Normal University,0/128
  30. Comparative Study of Chinese and Western Art Education Reforms in the Early20thCentury (1900-1936),YingYiWen/Zhejiang University,0/459
  31. Research on the Evaluation System of the Academic Achievements of Professional Teachers in Art Academies,ZhangTianWen/Sichuan Normal University,0/20
  32. From the Angle of Modern Fine Arts Education to Investigate the Relationship between the Art Psychology and Art Education,XieZuo/Xinjiang Normal University,0/65
  33. Renaissance artists on the status of the,JiangCheng/Nanjing Normal University,0/93
  34. Winckelmann's concept of art history,LiuYouLing/Nanjing Normal University,0/47
  35. Study on the DeVelopment of Artwork Auction Industry Based on the Long Tail,WangZhaoYan/Hunan University,0/4
  36. The Investigation of the Folk Art Heritage and the Post-disaster Reconstruction of the School Art Education,SunXiaoRong/Sichuan Normal University,0/3
  37. Research on the Influencing Factors and Path of Quanzhou Five Major Performing Art Troupes' Development,LuWenJuan/Huaqiao University,0/4
  38. An Empirical Study on the Key Factors Affecting the Development of Animation Industry in China,CaiYanHong/Huaqiao University,0/2
  39. Explore the aesthetic perspective of the art market,CaiYaZuo/Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences,0/25
  40. Research status, problems and Countermeasures of Chinese animation industry,SongSiYi/Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences,0/20
  41. Variation of the Chinese Leaders Creative Themes,LiZuo/Zhejiang Normal University,0/23
  42. Lu Xun and Atr,RenChunYan/Anhui Normal University,0/40
  43. During the War of Art Creation of Spiritual Significance,LiWenWen/Zhejiang Normal University,0/47
  44. The example and the regulation of new China (1949-1976) children's visual image of

    ,PanZuoZuo/Guangxi College of Art,0/1
  45. China's Academy of Brokerage Industry Profit Model Research,HeZuo/Hunan University,0/182
  46. Chinese traditional animation derivative product development,ChenZhiZuo/Gannan Teachers' College,0/6
  47. Research on the Dynamics of Japanese Animation Industry Development,TangZuo/Hunan University,0/52
  48. Research on the teaching of design management Northumbria University Students,DuanXingYu/Nanjing Arts Institute,0/86
  49. Design management promotion agencies on America Design Management Association (DMI) as an example,LeiLei/Nanjing Arts Institute,0/98
  50. In modern western art Africa elements,FengLu/Southwestern University,0/67

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